Real Madrid: Karim Benzema is claimed by another great Italy | Trade | Total sports


Karim Benzema was a key player in Real Madrid of Zinedine Zidane to obtain 3 consecutive titles of Champions League . And for this reason, the French are dealing with serious proposals from Italy and now there is another who wants to rely on him; in addition to Napoli .

According to Sky Italia Milan will charge the French attacker. The journalist Gianluca Di Marzio revealed that the agents of Karim Benzema were in the sports center of the Italian box (Milanello).

During this visit they reportedly met sports director Mirabelli and coach Gennaro Gattuso . From Italy, they report that Karim Benzema would have said yes to the "rossoneros" and that it would take a few days before the negotiation was finalized.

The French striker would earn the same amount as in Real Madrid (9 million euros); However, the difference would be that Italian painting offers him to sign up in 2022, a year older than the Spanish giant.

It should be noted that the production of Karim Benzema would be a weak sensitive for the Real Madrid club that was left without its emblem player, Cristiano Ronaldo .

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