Francisco Margarita Rosa shows her buttocks in support of Mockus – Congreso – Política


The actress and presenter decided to show her bad on Twitter after the controversy of the "green" senator.

By the time Mockus dropped his trousers in Congress the Green Alliance senator said that he did the gesture because the congressional badistants n & # 39; They did not allow the outgoing Senate President, Efraín Cepeda, to make his speech.

  Mockus and Margarita Rosa


July 21, 2018, 16:19

Almost a day after Senator Antanas Mockus, newly inaugurated, decided to demand respect in Congress by lowering his pants in front of everyone, as he had done 25 years ago to the National University, the controversy continues in different sectors. and, of course, social networks are a faithful reflection of the division between those who regard their gesture as an act of rebellion and pedagogy, and those who regard it as a lack of respect.

Among the main critics, Senator José Obdulio Gaviria, who said that "puerilidades" of Mockus are "unacceptable", or Senator Paola Holguín, who badured that there could be "sanctions for lack of respect for society ".

citizens who expressed their support to the former mayor of Bogota. This is the case of the actress and columnist EL TIEMPO Margarita Rosa of Francisco, who proposed Saturday in his Twitter account that everyone is doing the same thing as the elected senator of the Green Alliance .

Margarita Rosa's message is so welcome that many have already joined and posted similar photos on their social networks. In fact, the #TodosAPelarElCulo label was the number one trend in Twitter Colombia throughout the Saturday afternoon

although there has not yet been any statement Congress on the Mockus protest, the law provides for sanctions for disrespect. ranging from the call to order and even suspensions of the right to intervene in debates for a month.


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