Venezuelan accidentally dies while escaping from police in Bucaramanga | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


According to the testimony of some witnesses, the inhabitants of the upper part of the Granjas de Provenza district, in Bucaramanga, decided to call line 123 so that persons in uniform could control an alleged case of intra-family violence. on 115th Street. with the career 21B

The subject, identified as Ebys Josué Delgado, 41 years old, apparently attacked without mercy for the woman who would be his partner.

When the patrol arrived at the designated site and managed to separate the couple, it was proved that they were in a high degree of alchoramiento.

At that time, the man ran away not to be stopped, with the bad luck that in this race made a bad step, fallen and rolled by the

A blow to the head, according to preliminary information, would be the cause of death that was confirmed by the medical staff of the medical center, where he was referred.

The woman, also of Venezuelan nationality, and aged about 23, was followed by the uniform and then transferred to the E.S.E. University Hospital of Santander. He had lacerations and bruises on various parts of his body as a result of the physical aggression he suffered.

According to the authorities report, the case was presented Friday morning in the middle of the public highway. 19659008] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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