Ernesto Macías, new Senate Speaker speaks about Mockus – Congress – Politics


Although he was a senator for four years at the Democratic Center, little is known about his political career. But what is known is that he became a key man for former president Álvaro Uribe. And he was one of the first to support the presidential candidacy of Iván Duque, within uribismo.
Macías was mayor of Altamira, Huila, and according to Uribe, represents the "middle clbad" in politics.

How strong is the coalition formed in Congress to support the government of President Duque?

It is a coalition of seven parties that for its construction there was no distribution of positions or contracts. It is a coalition that has been made on the commitment to advance the country's priority issues and the fundamental reforms proposed by the President-elect, Iván Duque, during the campaign. A coalition large enough not to fail in the country.

Is the same 81-member coalition that elected you president of the Senate?

These votes are the sum of the members of the coalition.

What are the strengths of this alliance?

Many. It is constituted without engaging a single government position, not a single contract, no type of clientelism. This coalition was structured thinking about the country, its members are engaged in the reforms proposed by President Duque, as the tax to reduce taxes; political reform, which reduces the size of the Congress and establishes conditions for its attainment, which will establish closed lists and limit the number of periods of congressmen; issues that seek to restore legality, promote the spirit of enterprise and fairness. And it is a coalition ready to accompany President Duque in his efforts to initiate a frontal fight against corruption.

Part of this alliance Cambio Radical and 'U'.

Yes, among the seven coalition parties are & # 39; U & # 39; and Cambio Radical.

Is this enough to advance the policies of the new government?

Colombians are expecting a lot from Congress and I do not think that there is only one senator who is not engaged in the recovery of the country, so the political unity must bypbad the intention of the Duque president to pull Colombia out of the grave economic, social and institutional crisis

What future has a coalition without participation in the government?

We must begin a struggle to change political customs in Colombia. It can not be that politics continues to revolve around favoritism. President Iván Duque began by setting a good example by choosing a cabinet without the intervention of parties, including his own party, that is to say without political quotas, so this should be the line Congress.

Should Senator Mockus be disciplined for dropping his pants in the compound?
It was indecent. The Congress will debate and argue, not to be noticed with shows. I asked congressional lawyers to consider how this behavior should be disciplined.


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