The Controller has confirmed the new tax findings against Guillermo Grosso, former president of Cafesalud EPS | Policy


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According to the Office of the Comptroller, these are the same practices detected in Saludcoop, during the period of time. 39, which was under the responsibility of Mr. Grosso Sandoval, acting as an auditor, and which generated a tax of $ 80.631 million in expenditures exceeding the limits of the law and the structure of the contracts with their own "In the Audit conducted before Cafesalud EPS, on the validity of 2015, the audit team of the Delegate Delegate of the Social Sector demonstrated the use by this PES of resources from the Unit Payment for Capitación-UPC, for the purchase of fixed badets, registered under the concept of computer hardware, furniture and appliances; Due to the nature of the conclusion, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic made a preliminary inquiry by verifying the documents submitted by Cafesalud EPS and resulted in the conclusion of a preliminary investigation into the property interests of the General System. social security.


Given the alleged damage to state property generated in this case, this is due to the action or omission of resource mobilization officials. For the functioning of the Social Security System, the Comptroller's Office linked the investigation as allegedly responsible to Guillermo Enrique Grosso, Javier Correa and Carlos Mantilla, all former presidents of Cafesalud from 2006 to 2016.

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