Consumption of tranquilizers is higher than that of illicit drugs –


Page Siete / La Paz

In Bolivia, the use of tranquillizers for non-medical purposes, ie without a medical prescription, is higher than that of any illegal drug such as cocaine or marijuana. The latest UN report even states that, compared to three other countries in the region, Bolivia is among the first to use these controlled substances.

Tranquilizers are drugs that can be obtained from a pharmacy and are used for medical supervision. They usually contain benzodiazepine, a psychotropic compound with a sedative and hypnotic effect. This is why they are considered licit drugs. Alcohol and tobacco fall into the same category, although they never have a medical purpose.

But when tranquillizers are used without the supervision of a doctor, there is a greater risk of causing considerable damage to health and dependence. The non-medical use of benzodiazepines is today one of the major problems badociated with drug use in some sixty countries, "says the report from the Office of the United Nations. Against Drugs and Crime (UNODC), he adds: "A large proportion of drug-related deaths are related to the type of benzodiazepines – NSP (New Psychotropic Substances)."

In the category of illegal drugs, However, cannabis (marijuana), cocaine, opium and other NHPs

The data in the report that UNODC presented a few days ago place the consumption of tranquilizers in Bolivia over illicit drugs as cannabis and cocaine, mainly for women (see infographic)

A study conducted by the National Council against Drug Trafficking (Conaltid) between 2013 and 2014 is consistent with these data. for purposes not Behind alcohol (49%) and tobacco (25%).

And this report, like that of the United Nations, places the use of tranquilizers on illicit drugs, such as cannabis (1.3%) and cocaine (0.3%).

UNODC data, collected from surveys conducted between 2013 and 2017 with a population aged 15 to 64, place Bolivia among the top places in the consumption of cocaine. psychotropic drugs between four countries in the region. 2% of men and 1.7% of women used these drugs without medical supervision. In Colombia and Argentina, the figures were lower and only in Chile were higher than in the case of women and equal in the case of men.

But the picture changes if the surveys target a younger population. In 2016, the questions asked to young people between the ages of 18 and 25 gave other results at the regional level. The university population in Bolivia consumed the least amount of tranquilizers (1.2%) compared to Colombia (1.8%), Ecuador (1.4%) and Peru (1.5%). ).

The consumption of these drugs vary according to age. The trend seems to be that the longer you have years, the more acquiring tranquilizers is important.

In 2014, Conaltid pointed out that teenagers aged 12 to 17 consume almost the same amount of tranquilizers as marijuana. Between 18 and 35, the trend towards marijuana is greater. But from age 36, things take a radical turn: the adult population consumes up to five times more tranquilizers than cannabis.

"Tranquilizers are not bad as long as there is a medical prescription, but if they are consumed without a prescription," There has been a slight increase in the use of these substances in recent years in the country and as a state, more stringent controls must be applied to drugs dangerous to health, "said a researcher on the drug market

. the commercialization of these drugs, because nowadays everyone can access them, "he said.


  • Sale According to reports of Conaltid, 69% of tranquilizers consumed for non-medical purposes they are bought in the same pharmacies, 14% of friends, 13% of the home and 3% of some doctors.
  • Pildoritas These drugs are also used by the so-called Itas pill, which places a pill in the drink of his victim to induce him to sleep and thus appropriate his valuables [19659017] Controls The sale of non-prescription psychoactive drugs continues in pharmacies and at popular fairs. Even the contraband income was reported by the border points.

Young women use psychotropic drugs more than men

Young women outnumber men in the use of tranquillizers without a prescription, according to a study by the European Union , Conaltid and UNODC in 2016. According to this report, 1.4% of them use this drug between 18 and 25 years, against only 1% of men.

As indicated by the study conducted by UNODC between 2013 and 2017, the trend changes when one covers a larger age range: from 15 to 64 years. In this case, men are slightly more numerous than women.

"Tranquilizers and stimulants are more consumed in the eastern part of Bolivia, but especially among women," says the drug research expert

. social effects. It has been seen that in recent years, women of school age have increased their use of legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, almost even with men. Now, by their nature, they may tend to acquire more tranquilizers, "he explains.

"Men (worldwide) tend to consume more cannabis, cocaine and opiates; while the non-medical use of opioids and tranquillizers is comparable between the two bades, though it is not more important among women, "says the latest UN report." The proportion of women undergoing treatment tends to be higher due to the use of tranquilizers and sedatives than for other substances. "

It was also concluded that men who use drugs because of from adversity during their childhood kind of rebellion.While women "internalize their behaviors" and use drugs as self-medication.


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