They advance the rescue of two miners trapped in the coal mine in Boyacá


The events occurred in the Yerbabuena sector in the municipality of Ventaquemada. The rescue process took place on the morning of this Sunday. The authorities are advancing in the recognition of the bodies and in the verification of the legality of the exploitation.

This Sunday, Vereda Parroquia Vieja, Yerbabuena sector in the municipality of Ventaquemada, Boyacá, amaneció with uncertainty as to the fate of two minors, among whom the owner of this activity of exploitation could be find. According to Caracol Radio farmers reported that people had fallen into one of the wells of a coal mine .

Because of this alert, the rescue began intervention in the region, On the morning of this Sunday, July 22, along with other relief agencies, we found the place where were located the corpses of these men.

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"The verification of the legality of the mine is carried out by the staff of the National Mining Agency. in the middle of the search and rescue operation have to do with the ventilation of the mine, which must be free of gas for the rescuers to come in and move in. We were informed this morning from this emergency situation, and we have worked with relief agencies and even the mayor's office of the municipality, "said the director of the office of risk management and disaster Boyacá, engineer Germán Bermúdez.

The causes of the emergency are still under investigation, to clarify whether this could have been an explosion inside of Canada. ;a hole.

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In the fight to decimate the illegal mining of minerals, last year at least 500 bulldozers and 300 draggers were destroyed. In total, the destruction of criminal group machines can cost about $ 490,000 million.

On the other hand, according to the Illegal Mines Brigade, the places with the greatest impact of illegal mining are Chocó and Nariño, regions to which they are added the Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Córdoba, the south of Bolívar and other departments such as Putumayo, Amazonas and part of Vichada. Currently, there could be about 152 municipalities affected by illegal mining.

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