Reported outbreak of 20 pets in a residential unit in northern Cali


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22 July 2018 – 13:54



Editorial of El País

At a sit-in, the inhabitants of the residential unit Port Portón from Cali & # 39; located north of the city, reported in the morning of this Sunday that your pets are poisoned.

This was stated by El País Natalia Peña, a spokesman for the affected people, who said that only five dogs and two cats died yesterday (Saturday).

"They throw pieces of chicken or gum containing poison into the apartments on the first floor and in different parts of the unit, the animals consume these foods and there are about 20 cases of dogs and cats poisoned in just three weeks, "Peña said.

Also read: Investigate the intoxication of at least 28 dogs in Bogotá

The residential unit 'Portón de Cali & # 39; is located on Calle 66 # 1 – 43, Barrio Metropolitano del Norte.

The spokesman of the affected people He also denounced the fact that camera cameras are damaged, that is why they can not verify who is responsible for these events.

"We tried to talk to the unit administrator but do not make a statement, we want to bring the case to the authorities, we have evidence and evidence of that" said the spokesman.

In this regard, Mayor Jorge Eliécer Zorrilla, commander of the Cali environment police, said that, unfortunately, there is no one to blame because they n & # 39; 39 have no one in particular to report.

"The recommendations made to pet owners are that, first, when they walk them, they do not allow them to eat on the street." Second, if they experience a suspect and that they can look for evidence, they will do it. allows to make the criminal complaint, "said Zorrilla.

The consequences of the violation of Law 1774 of 2016 are as follows: to have from two to seven years imprisonment and fines up to 35 legal minimum daily wages in force.

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