They are looking for eight missing people in Los Nevados Park | They are looking for eight missing people in Los Nevados Park | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


After a day of operations, seven rescuers from the Quindío Red Cross still struggle to find the place where eight hikers were who asked for help for their descent from Tolima mountain. The leader of this group of mountaineers apparently suffered a broken hip.

Director of the Red Cross Red Cross, Diego Herrera, told Blu Radio that "at night (this Saturday) people reported that they were coming down to leave next to Tolima, but when they started To send the coordinates of positioning of different equipment, these coordinates began to show us by a map that were in the border area with Quindío ".

To complicate the situation, once the rescue operation launched, one of the rescuers also had a broken arm when falling off the horse that he was riding. The rescuer was immediately transferred to a hospital for care, while the rest of the team continued his search.

Weather conditions have prevented the rescue from being done with helicopters, and for the moment force to proceed by land to try to save the eight hikers.

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