"Nairo can not lose confidence"



V icente Belda Spanish cycling coach, states that the forces of Nairo Quintana, that he discovered In Boyacá 10 years ago, as well as those of his companions of Movistar Mikel Landa and Alejandro Valverde, "are below the capacity of their other rivals" in l 39 current Tour de France. 19659004] "It's not a secret, the differences show, the numbers." Every time the good have sped up, the Movistar riders have yielded.That means that up to here there are more powerful riders than any other rider. Them, "said Belda yesterday in an interview with EL COLOMBIANO

and this qualifier in the last sentence is done adding that cycling is so uncertain, that at any moment everything can change, beyond Beyond the solidity that, after two weeks of racing, shows the group Sky, with Geraint Thomas in the lead and Chris Froome in his shadow.

] The closest of them is the Dutchman Tom Dumoulin (Sunweb), third at 1.50 Thomas and second in the Tour of Italy, where Froome won.

21-day test, the physical condition can change at any time, bad, good or worse. Indeed, with the pbadage of stages, many cyclists acquire a better shape, as was the case with Astana Saturday with the triumph of Omar Fraile and this Sunday with that of Magnus Cort It seems that this cast was buried and resurrected, which can happen with the Movistar, "says Belda.

Landa is sixth, at 3.42 for Thomas, while Quintana is eighth, at 4.23

"We have not seen the attacking Nairo on other occasions, but maybe the race itself even makes him improve and reaches his 100%, and even more knowing that the mountain stages remain. "

The leader points out that in these crucial moments is when morality and optimism should primate, as well as the union in a team. "Nairo can not lose confidence because there are runners who are exposed to wear-related problems that they accumulate, such as Dumoulin and Froome; it's beauty." of sport, we do not know what will happen. "

Yesterday, when he was contacted by the press, José Luis Arrieta director of Movistar, said that he was looking with hope the arrival of the Tour to the Pyrenees, where the competition is reactivated Tuesday after finishing the second day of rest today. There, according to Arrieta, they expect their distribution to take a stand to stop the domination shown here by Sky

"If we thought we would still have the same career scenario, we would not go in Paris."

In the Pyrenees and the company will burn its last cartridges, will they be joined by other actors? Will Thomas and Froome survive the badault?

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