A rescuer kidnapped by ELN, in Santander | Judicial


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Marco Tulio Cáceres Herrera, the merchant who was kidnapped last Saturday, at dawn, he was rescued in the province of García Rovira, as part of an operation conducted by the army, the police and the Technical Investigation Corps, CTI, prosecutor's office.

According to information provided by the authorities, the abduction was carried out by members of the front of Efrain Pabón Pabón del Eln, on the road that leads to the municipality of Santa Bárbara (Santander), where the victim intended to buy vegetables and pulses wholesale

in which he was mobilized with three other people, the merchant transported $ 98 million in cash to make purchases, according to the police.

The Kidnapping

The facts were recorded at 4 am when Marco Tulio Cáceres Herrera, 56, was traveling by road to Santa Bárbara and was intercepted by the four men. Offenders, two were mobilized in a van and the other two on a motorcycle.

"I went in the car from the top up, what they call La Quebrada La Judía.Maybe they were waiting on the mound because I got into the ravine, they went out into the narrowest part and then they shot me and they hit me in the head and they threw me to the ground.They mistreated me and they put me in their car I did not know anymore because they handcuffed me, put a bag on my head and we started in the car, "says the victim.

The criminals fled to the top of the mountain with the victim. The other three people were tied to the hand and foot and left inside. of the vehicle in which they moved.

"They told me that they had been following me for seven months. They told me that I should pay them a billion pesos to let me go, "said Cáceres Herrera.

The Rescue

Five hours after the kidnapping, the authorities were informed of the incident because the three companions of the victim were able to free themselves and arrive at the Guaca police station to report the fact.

Immediately the army, the police and the body of technical investigation, CTI, of the prosecutor's office, have deployed a persecution operation.In the afternoon and Saturday evening, the seat of the authorities was being closed [19659004Duringtherescueoperationasoldierwaswoundedandoneofthekidnapperswaskilledidentifiedasalias"Caesar"or"ElIndio"chieffromthisfront

were also caught in flagrante delicto, aka "Neimar", head of the commission Mario Ramírez Ortiz e the "Ronald" and "Coyote" guerrillas, of this same structure.

Profile of the leader

Alias ​​"Caesar" or "El Indio", was in the organization for 22 years. He belonged to the Front 23 of the extinct Farc, the interference in the municipalities of Landázuri and Cimitarra in Santander, apparently, would have benefited from the process of negotiation with the Farc, an event that would have allowed his freedom.

It has been established that this group of ELN is responsible for attacks against the Force Publique.

Use of technology, key rescue

According to the information provided, the cell phone's GPS removal was a key element to locate a specific area where Marco Tulio Cáceres Herrera was detained. ,

And it is at this place, that at dawn yesterday, the authorities used a drone with which they finally located the hive where the alleged criminals were hiding with the victim.

In addition, through satellite triangulations, the Gaula investigators followed the communications that the rapists had with their accomplices on the radiotelephone, informing them of the route to be followed for the sake of safety. ;escape.

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