Two miners are injured by stray bullets in Catatumbo | Two girls injured by stray bullets in Catatumbo | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Two girls aged three and nine were injured by stray bullets after clashes between the ELN and Epl guerrillas in rural areas of the Municipality of Convención, Catatumbo Region, Norte de Santander.

According to information provided by the community, the two girls were in El Loro Road, Cartagenita corregimiento, when they were imported by projectiles, the youngest of 3 years old has an injury in the abdomen while the other has the left leg reached.

The police of Norte de Santander confirmed the facts and added that the girls were transferred to the hospital Emiro Quintero Cañizares of the municipality of Ocaña. "The National Police vehemently rejects this type of events in which the civilian population is affected, especially our children, and offers a reward of up to ten million pesos of information that allow us to find the makers, "added the institution.

In this area, the authorities are carrying out various operations to locate those responsible for the armed clashes that left the community of Catatumbo in the middle of the bullets.

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