They demand the cancellation of the detention of Ángela María Robledo for the alleged double militancy


Juan Carlos Calderón seized the State Council of an application for annulment of the act of possession of Ángela María Robledo for alleged dual activism, for s & d. to be registered as a candidate for the vice-presidency of a party different from that which represented her in the House

For Calderón the current member of Congress would have violated the regime of the handicapped stipulated in the law 1475 of 2011, where it is noted that a person who has been elected to a popular election position by a political party must resign a year before the next election if he wants to aspire to another community.

Ángela María Robledo was at the Congress of the Republic until last March as a representative at the House of the Green Party, that month he resigned for the vice presidency of Gustavo Petro. 19659003] Robledo returns to Congress as a result of law enforcement powers balanced, which gives a seat in the Senate to the second in the presidential elections and another in the House to his vice-presidential form.

Sources near Robledo explained that the parliamentarian has not violated the law since she was introduced to a public position that is not a popular choice but a designation of her. 39, a presidential candidate, and his return to the Capitol is given in accordance with the law.

The plaintiff's claim will be investigated by the Fifth Section of the State Council, which will give an answer in the coming weeks on the question of whether there is to open the process of loss of money. ; inauguration.

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