The IMF raised growth forecasts for Chile and placed it as a regional leader in 2018


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented its projections for Latin America and noted the growth estimate for Chile, placing it in the best place of the region for 2018.

the ratio, the growth update reached "3.8 percent (as against 3.4 percent)", thanks to solid recovery business and consumer confidence which, in line with expectations, would largely offset the brake represented by rising oil prices .

With respect to inflation the IMF argued "it will continue to converge gradually towards the 3% target, boosted by strong growth spurt and by rising oil prices ".

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The report was celebrated by the government which emphasized that the largest efforts for a growing economy "are played in Chile."

The Minister of Finance, Felipe Larraín, maintained that "the increase in the confidence of entrepreneurs, businessmen and consumers according to the Monetary Fund, more than thwarted the growth of the economy. negative effect of the international scenario with higher oil prices, as explicitly mentioned. "

" This is a sign that most of the game is played in Chile and that when we do things properly we can to harvest "he added

In addition, the report adds that the estimate of growth for 2019 will be 3.4%.

?Now: the IMF increases growth projections for Chile to 3.8% and ranks it as the leader of Latin America, despite the trade war @ Cooperative

– Felipe Gallegos (@ FelipeGallegos7) July 23, 2018

Concern about the "commercial war" ]

Nationwide, continues the concern about the effects in our country which could have the so-called trade war between the United States and China.

Meanwhile, follow the reactions to statements by the president of the Corporation of Production and Trade (CPC), Alfonso Swett who projected that Chile's growth could halve with this international phenomenon.

"I believe that the comments made by the President of the Confederation They refer more to long-term growth ," badured the economist Guillermo Le Fort

" I do not think it is in the possible scenarios, but (I touch) wood, for if anything, Chilean GDP growth will come back below 2% this year ", he added.

On the other hand, copper rose during that day to $ 2.79 a pound.

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