President Santos says goodbye to the Pacific Alliance on Tuesday after seven years of integration


Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


Monday, July 23, 2018

Government Information System

President Santos says goodbye to the Pacific Alliance on Tuesday after seven years of integration

The Colombian president meets his Chilean colleagues, Sebastián Piñera; Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and Peru, Martín Vizcarra, at the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, in the Mexican city of Puerto Vallarta.

President Juan Manuel Santos says goodbye Tuesday to the Pacific Alliance, of which Colombia was one of the founders and presents a summary of the pro tempore's pro tempore task of this group. # 39; s integration.

The Colombian president will meet his Chilean colleagues, Sebastián Piñera; Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and Peru, Martín Vizcarra, at the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, in Puerto Vallarta Mexico

The Colombian head of state arrived Monday in Puerto Vallarta and participated in the V Business Meeting of the Pacific Alliance: Vision 2030 – Pacific Alliance Perspectives on the International Environment and Financial Integration.

Tuesday, Colombia will badume the provisional presidency of Peru, after a year of work in execution of this mandate granted the year Pbaded to the summit held in Cali

The four presidents will review the progress of the 39; last year and the achievement of the objectives of the Alliance created in 2011, focusing on the vision of free trade, the principles of the free market and labor. coordinated with the private sector.

President Juan Manuel Santos will participate at 11:00, together with his counterparts from the Alliance, in a meeting with members of Mercosur member states: Mauricio Macri, from the Argentine Republic; Michel Temer, of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and Tabaré Vásquez, of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Then he will be at the opening of the 13th Summit of the Pacific Alliance at noon. The act will be transmitted through the page and through the Institutional Chain

Next will be the plenary session of the Summit.

The Colombian Head of State will also meet the Alliance Business Council and at 6:00 in the afternoon will be in the signing of the final declaration and statement to the media.

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