Judge will decide if he sends the alias "Cherry" to prison | Colombia


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According to the prosecutor of the case, 'Cherry & # 39; , who was part of the Front "Oliver Sinisterra", was in charge of guarding members of the journalistic team, who carried out a report on the state of law and order that exists in the border area.

The same is being studied for the abduction of Katty Vanesa Velasco Pinargote and Óscar Efrén Villacís Gómez, a couple who was also found dead in the border area with Ecuador, and who according to the report of Forensic medicine, received wounds with sharp weapons which caused them acute anemia.

The prosecutor announced in the middle of the judicial proceedings that once the men transferred to the Colombian territory "Cherry" who was part of the front "Daniel Aldana" demobilized FARC, gave notice to alias " Guacho "they had them in their possession.

The prosecutor stated that "Cherry" "had the capacity to detain five persons and thus render those acts punishable".

For this reason, the Attorney General's Office committed aggravated conspiracy crimes for committing a crime and kidnapping.

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