The millionaire Nalgón – 24/07/2018


As for any restless child who is overflowing with talent and has an adventurous soul, it is always best to keep the door closed so as not to escape. That's what River does with Juan Fernando Quintero, the daring Colombian that Marcelo Gallardo saved from his lethargy at DIM and dazzled at the World Cup in Russia with Jose Pekerman's team: Enzo Francescoli has set a significant improvement in the contract of the left-handed with Rodrigo Riep, representative of the footballer in Argentina. At the same time, both Onofrio 's director and president Rodolfo already have the boost of the Porto for River to run the option to buy the pbad in the airport. immediate . And in addition, the operational shield will also include an increase in the rescission clause, from 20 to 25 million euros, and a new bond that would be until June 2022.

The key to achieving this arrangement was an ex River who was a contemporary of the doll in the lower ones (noted in his youth as a future crack with the group's 10 but who just added a handful of minutes with Pbadarella as a technician in the 90s), since the former player is who runs Quintero in the country.

River has time until December 31 to use the pbad option that belongs to Porto. The amount to be paid is 3,250,000 euros, since the value stipulated by the Portuguese club was 3,750,000, but to this sum must be deducted the 500,000 that River has paid for the Colombian loan for one year.

Although leaders had already decided to buy Nalgón in December, his great performance in Russia with the Colombian team has accelerated the times, mainly because several powerful clubs in Europe were interested in Juanfer and even the name of Real Madrid sounded, nothing less. Then, D & # 39; Onofrio, Francescoli and also Gallardo preferred to be cautious and ensure the continuity of Quintero as soon as possible, to avoid the emergence of an imposing offer that could shake the footballer who, without fixing of deadline, has confessed his desire to "return to He will compete in Europe", where he will pbad without success for Porto, Pescara (Italy) and Stade Rennais (France).

Quintero cheats everyone and puts the goal 1-1

of J. Quintero (C). Colombia 1 – Japan 1. Group H, Russia 2018 World Cup. (Source: Public TV)

Yes, we had to act quickly to protect the talented coffee producer. And River was fast at the cafe.

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