Environmentalists, the most murdered in the world in 2017 | International


The NGO Global Witness reports that in 2017, environmental activists were murdered in 22 countries the bloodiest year recorded by this organization, with a death rate related to the agrarian sector

Among the victims are indigenous leaders, community leaders and environmental defenders who are killed or threatened with death, arrested, cyberattacks, badual badault and trial .

The final number of murders is " probably much higher ", given the "serious limitations" they face "to evaluate the available data," according to the NGO, founded in 1993.

report of Global Witness presented in London, revealed that during the past year the murders related to "destructive agriculture " have increased significantly that "here for land" intended for crops such as palm oil, intended for trade in "consumer products" and for daily use.

The document entitled "At what price?" Reveals that is the most dangerous country. the activists in 2017 were Brazil where there were 57 homicides, followed by the Philippines with 48, while in Mexico and Peru significantly increased the murders from three to 15 and two to eight, respectively

60% of the total deaths of the past year took place in Latin America and, for the first time, the agrarian sector has advanced the minor worldwide to become the bloodiest with at least 46 murders related to this activity

Resistance to illegal hunting too increased its dangerousness in 2017, when the record number of 23 murders was recorded the majority of them rangers on the African continent ican, reveals the report of Global Witness.

Similarly, the NGO linked security forces of the affected countries with 53 total homicides while "non-state actors", such as criminal gangs, been involved in 90 murders .

"Local activists are murdered, while governments and corporations prioritize quick profits over human life." Many of the products of this bloodshed can be found on shelves of supermarkets, "denounces in a statement Ben Leather responsible for the campaigns of Global Witness.

Among other things, Global Witness exposed cases such as the murder of Hernán Bedoya in Colombia who was shot 14 times by a paramilitary group for demonstrating against oil palms and banana plantations on stolen land.

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