Does Barsa steal a reinforcement from Roma? – 24/07/2018


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The future of Brazilian Malcom, in front of 21 years, seemed frozen. Roma is interested in the ancient Corinthians and has accepted his transfer with the Girondins de France. The garoto was already en route to the airport, until he received a call that stopped the whole transaction …

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At the last moment, Barcelona realized the difficulties he encountered in getting out of Chelsea and decided to implement plan B and contact Malcom

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his social networks, Rome had already confirmed "to be in agreement with Bordeaux" and the French club ratified the "principle of agreement" on its official website. Finally, it seems that the fate of the player will not be in Italy. Conflict at the door? What will UEFA and FIFA say about fair play?

  Girondins confirms Malcolm's move to Rome

Girondins confirms Malcolm's move to Rome

Al Girondins interested in offering Barsa's successor for nearly 40 million euros euros, that the Catalan club did to the French according to Sport, while the player seduced him more to wear the shirt Blaugrana, before reaching the Roma.

The #ASRoma confirms having been in agreement with Bordeaux for the signature of Malcom. The operation will be ratified after the successful medical visits of the player.

– AS Roma Español (@ASRomaEspanol) July 23, 2018

And who is Malcom? A Brazilian ending that was formed in the Corinthians (he also has experience in the submarines 20 and sub 23 of Verdeamarela) and was incorporated by the Girondins at the beginning of the 2016 year for five million euros. After several seasons at a high level and with only 21 years old, the best clubs in the world were interested in him.

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With the confirmation of Rome as his new reinforcement and the officialization of the Girondins of his consummate departure, Barcelona has entered a transfer that could be the most controversial of the market that pbades. Will this be the revenge of Barsa with the Roma for the elimination in the quarterfinals of the last Champions?

Roma ranks the Main on his side

Aim of K. Manolas (R). Roma 3 – Barcelona 0. Quarter-finals. Back Champions League 2017/2018. (Source: Youtube)

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