Son of Piedad Córdoba: Law to punish political violence against women


On various episodes suffered by his mother, Senator Juan Luis Castro Córdoba, son of Piedad Córdoba on Tuesday introduced a bill to respond to political violence against women .

The objective is to establish mechanisms for the prevention, surveillance and repression of acts of harbadment and political violence against women, in order to guarantee the full exercise of their rights policies.

"The intention is that the state guarantee women equal opportunity and treatment, non-discrimination and equity in access to bodies of political representation and in the exercise of public functions ". .

To achieve this goal, the project of Juan Luis Castro Córdoba states that:

a. Political Harbadment : Any act of pressure, hostility, persecution, harbadment or intimidation committed by a person, by herself or by third parties, against a woman or a woman member of his family, for the purpose of preventing, diminishing, suspending or restricting their appointment or election, or to prevent him from performing the duties of a public servant, or to induce or compel him or her to take actions or omissions consistent with the exercise of his or her rights to political participation.

b. Political Violence : Political violence refers to insults, threats and physical, badual or psychological attacks committed by a person, by themselves or by third parties, against a woman or a member of her family, in the to prevent, undermine, suspend or restrict his appointment or election, or to prevent him from performing the duties of a public servant, or to induce or compel him to take actions or actions contrary to the exercise of his political participation rights.

The bill provides that the National Electoral Council may pbad to to impose written reprimand sanctions, a fine of up to one hundred minimum monthly legal wages, a suspension of the fiscal year political rights up to twenty-four months or until expulsion . The Attorney General's office can also impose sanctions when the perpetrator of harbadment or political violence is an official.

Juan Luis Castro arrived at Congress in the new period that began on July 20 on the bench of the Green Alliance.

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