Cristiano Ronaldo has the physique of a 20-year-old player


Due to his transfer to the "Vecchia Signora" for more than 100 million euros, Cristiano Ronaldo had to undergo medical tests performed by each team when he receives a new player in his ranks.

You can see: [19659003] So were Cristiano Ronaldo's medical examinations at Juventus .

After carrying out the respective badyzes, the results were surprising. The tests concluded that the Portuguese, despite being 33, his physique is that of a player of 20.

As reported by the British media BeIN Sporst, medical examinations showed that Cristiano has only 7% body fat, while that of a football player at this age should be 10%. Also the most common is that a player after 30 has 46% muscle mbad. Ronaldo has 50% in his body.

But not only is your body the sole beneficiary. His physical capacity is impressive. It was only at the 2018 World Cup in Russia that he showed himself the fastest of the tournament, with a speed of nearly 34 kilometers / hour, in front of the young French player of 19 years old, Kylian Mbappé.

regime that takes Ronaldo diariamiente, his high-level training and his physical and mental discipline that characterize him.

Cristiano Ronaldo in figures

  • C is the most expensive player in the history of Italian football. He exceeded by more than ten million euros Argentine Gonzalo Higuain who raised the record when he was transferred to Naples by 90.
  • He earned an average of one euro per second and 62 per minute, enviable figure.
  • He has won the Champions League four times
  • He has played 154 games with 85 goals scored by the Portuguese team

This shows that there is Cristiano Ronaldo during a moment. That is why the football world is eagerly awaiting its debut with Juventus

Leonardo Lemoine –

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