Mercosur countries and the Pacific Alliance sign a joint agreement


Economía Editorial

The eight nations that make up the two economic blocs account for 85% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The presidents of the countries of the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur Courtesy – Presidency of the Republic

Presidents of the countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) and Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) have signed a joint declaration aimed at strengthening its trade, economic and social ties.

Read also: A new agreement facilitates the exchange of services with the Mercosur countries

These nations, by the size of their economies, are the most representative of Latin America and the Caribbean. In summary, they represent 79% of the region's population, 85% of gross domestic product, 86% of exports and 88% of foreign direct investment, which also explains its great potential for development and work.

The declaration identifies areas of joint work such as the elimination of non-tariff barriers, regulatory cooperation, trade promotion and SMEs, facilitation of trade in goods and services and tourism.

experiences such as the digital agenda, inclusive trade, gender, academic mobility, culture and mobility of people, and periodic monitoring is also envisaged to check the progress of the Plan. # 39; action.

This attempt at cooperation between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur began in 2017 and today the first action of many other actions that are part of a plan of action to sign a trade agreement between the two blocs

The news was given as part of the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance. The event was attended by the President, Juan Manuel Santos, during the inauguration, in which he stressed that the agency has all the capabilities to continue to grow and gain strength on the international scene.

Among other achievements, the Colombian Head of State mentioned measures to facilitate trade, the financing of small and medium enterprises and the issuance of the "catastrophic regional premium" for seismic risk management, which, for $ 1,360 million, was widely requested and approved. Read also: President Santos will visit Mexico for the Pacific Alliance Summit

"Our countries, our Alliance, have all the capacity to continue to grow, to gain strength, to be present on the international scene and to translate their work quality of life and well-being for our citizens, "he declared. [ad_2]
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