The story of the man who removed his penis because he could not have tattooed him


The English media spread the case of Adam Curlykale, a Kaliningrad man who seeks to completely tattoo the body. All incorrectly stated that the man had removed his bads because they were on his way to complete his artwork.

The Sun was the first means of dissemination of the history of Adam and therefore reproduced even outside of England. The Russian spoke with this newspaper and told why he had decided to tattoo all the gray graphite, including his eyeballs (the white part of the eyes).

According to him, at 22 (he is now 32 years old) he was diagnosed with cancer. colon, who managed to overcome through several sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, because of this, her skin began to lose pigment, so from that moment began to tattoo. The man said tattoos have allowed him to discover himself "again."

After telling this story in several paragraphs, The Sun finished the article stating in a sentence that Adam would go to Mexico to remove his penis and bad. In the title, the media attributed this decision to the fact that these parts of the body bothered him to complete his work.

There was never any explanation why Adam could not tattoo his penis. In fact, the first impression of the case is that if you tattooed your eyes, there was a lot more chance that you could do the same thing on your bads. The testimony of two years ago from a man to Vice realizes that it is possible to tattoo him.

Seeing the photos that the Russian shared in his Instagram account, one can see that it is true that he traveled to Mexico to remove the penis and bad; However, it is not because you could not tattoo them, but because you wanted to change your body in an extreme way. This is evident from his publications, where the numbers #nullo and #nullification (combination between 'nullo' and 'modification') are recurrent.

According to Gizmodo, "cancellation" is a way of changing the body in which a person removes their bads by viewing them as an unwanted part of the body. In this way, the fact that Adam removed his penis has nothing to do with his tattoos.

Below you can see some pictures of the Russian showing how he transformed his body with tattoos:

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