Proof against Musa Besaile and involved in the Fonade case – Investigations – Justice


"This tour is done for everything, if it does not happen, they will all leave the governorate."

The warning would have been made by Senator Musa Besaile then to Richard Kamal Náder Ordosgoitia, who would be his middleman in a process to maintain the award of a millionaire contract. Financial fund for development projects (Fonade) for the supervision of a project of construction of housing of priority interest (VIP) in nine departments of the country.

This case is part of a new episode of corruption denounced by the Office of the Prosecutor in the so-called "toxic jam", and the intercepted audio is part of the heavy artillery presented Tuesday by the Prosecutor's Office to support the indictment of Felipe Rodríguez Mariano, Jorge Eliécer Córdoba Quintero, Antonio María Sánchez Lozano, Amaury Segundo García de la Espriella, Juan Felipe Tabares Morales, Richard Kamal Náder Ordosgoitia and Ronald Rafael Ruiz de León.

They are charged with entering into an illegal agreement to leave the company in the hands of contractors who allegedly paid a million-dollar bribe to two ex-peasants. conventioneers.

The prosecutor of the case said that among the tests, which have been collected for more than a year, there are more than 1000 hours of recordings that make it possible to badert that former congressmen Besaile and Eduardo José All of Ossa arbitrated Contract

The Office of the Prosecutor presented several conversations of Ruiz de León, who would also be an intermediary of Besaile, and entrepreneur Morales Tabares, who refer to the "Gordo" which, according to the investigating body, was the controversial ex-senator. They indicate to lead the criminal organization

In another of the records, Náder Ordosgoitia states that the contract will be paid to Besaile and another deputy a bribe of 4.153 million dollars.

In addition, the accuser said that The entry recordings at La Picota, in Bogota, show the closeness between Besaile and Náder, who visited him several times. "Richard is like a brother of Besaile," said the prosecution.

The former senator is in prison since October 2017 and should pay more than 2,000 million pesos to start a lawsuit against him for parapolitics that has been advanced in the Supreme Court.

The seven investigated by the Fonade case were captured last week for being part of a criminal network entrenched in several entities and who took advantage of the so-called indicative quotas Congress.

During the legalization of the captures (Friday of last week), he was released due to alleged procedural failures Rodríguez Mariano, member of the Fonade Evaluation Committee, although he remains bound to the process.

On the record, the prosecution argued that Náder Ordosgoitia and Ruiz de León were pressing the Interviviendas consortium and that the contractor agreed to pay the bite of the senators and their files to Fonade and others. public entities.

On the night of Tuesday, the prosecution accused each of the parties involved: three officials Fonade, two entrepreneurs and two individuals who would have served as intermediaries.

The crimes for which they are responding are undue interest in contracting, bribery, conspiracy to commit a crime and a concussion, which puts them at over 15 years' imprisonment. Supreme to investigate the alleged unlawful behavior allegedly incurred by Senator Besaile then and the former representative at the House of All of Ossa. The judge suspended the hearing and granted the persons involved until Wednesday morning to decide whether to accept the charges

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