Outrage on the murder of social leader Libardo Moreno in Jamundí | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


After the killing of social leader Libardo Moreno in Jamundí on Monday, dozens of voices spoke through social networks and expressed their rejection of the crime.

Moreno was attacked by gunmen when he was in the city. La Paila, where he was a member of the Community Action Board

He was also a director of the Villacolombia corregimiento aqueduct, in the rural area of ​​Jamundí.

The OAS Mission to support the peace process in Colombia condemned "We condemn the murder of Libardo Moreno, President of JAC de Las Pilas in Jamundí, We reiterate our concern for the continued violence against the 39 Community action and We call for effective measures of research and protection, "said the agency through Twitter.

In addition, leaders of the Alianz Green party also condemned the killing and requested the intervention of the judicial authorities.

Claudia López, former senator of this party and former vice-presidential candidate, regretted the facts by her Twitter account and sent a message to the victim's family.

"What a pain the murder of our friend Libardo Moreno, the social leader of water, life and territory in Jamundí, who supported our #MujeresBerracas campaign with Angelica Lozano and Catalina Ortiz with great generosity. We hugged your family and friends, "said Lopez

. A similar comment was made by the former mayor of Cali and former Green Congressman Jorge Iván Ospina on his Twitter account. The green Libardo Moreno in the mountains of Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, killed a defender of water, the environment and life. We ask and ask the Office of the Prosecutor for the capture and prosecution of the intellectual and material perpetrators of this barbarity, "said Ospina

of the Valley, the Secretary of State for Security, Noralba García, also asked to the judicial authorities to investigate, attention to other risk situations in Jamundí against more community leaders

"We ask the authorities to establish the reasons for the events. As a departmental government, we regret not only what happened, but we also ask that this matter be examined as it has happened with other leaders of Valle del Cauca, "he said. declared Garcia.

In addition, the official has denounced in recent days. flyer threatening ten community leaders.

"We ask the National Protection Unit to review the measures to be taken in the face of new threats. It is necessary to make an badysis of this path of protection that must be given to our social leaders, trade unionists and advocates of SD. HH, "he said.

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