Why did Uribe's complaint end up being turned against him? – Research – Justice


Four years ago, former President Álvaro Uribe denounced Polo Senator Iván Cepeda, stating that he was visiting witnesses in prisons to manipulate statements and bring them to the police. Associate with the Self Defense Forces.

This case arose after Cepeda had obtained testimony from former Antioquia paramilitaries such as Juan Guillermo Monsalve and Pablo Hernán Sierra, who were part of the Metro building and claimed that their criminal structure had was created in the ranch of Guacharacas. Uribe Vélez, who was administered by the Monsalve family.

But Uribe's complaint against Cepeda, claiming that he was offering benefits in exchange for these statements, was finally filed by the Supreme Court of Justice on February 16.

On that day, the High Court ruled that it was not true that Cepeda was exerting pressure on the former president, but the phone intercepts helped to establish the contrary

. The president reportedly contacted Monsalve's family to rectify what Juan Guillermo Monsalve said.

According to Corte, those who tried to manipulate the witnesses were Uribe and his badociates, among them a rancher from Antioquia, close to the Uribe Vélez family: Juan Guillermo Villegas

. The Court, in particular a chamber composed of magistrates José Luis Barceló (President of the Supreme Court), Luis Antonio Hernández (President of the Criminal Chamber) and Fernando Castro, copied copies to investigate Uribe for the alleged manipulation of witnesses.

But a few days later, the president files an appeal for reconsideration in an attempt to shoot down copies of copies against him, claiming that he has had new evidence that discredited Cepeda.

However, on April 10, the Court dismissed this appeal and confirmed the decision to conduct an investigation against the former president, a procedure that was originally to be taken by the two new chambers that were created after the law. second instance for graduates. In that case, the Court was conducting a preliminary process which, in response to the Democratic Senator's requests, was to be heard in a free version.

In the midst of Uribe's review of the appeal, the court found that the family of ex-paramilitary Juan Guillermo Monsalve was under pressure and received serious complaints that people close to the former president would have manipulated the testimony. from Monsalve.

"In reaction to this judicial decision (which closed the case against Cepeda and certified copies against Uribe) and apparently with his consent, relatives of former President Uribe allegedly undertook new acts of witness tampering, "said the court yesterday. in a statement.

In this new investigation, the Court ordered telephone interceptions. After an intelligence process, the High Court concluded that Senator of the Álvaro Hernán Prada Artunduaga Democratic Center (who also called an investigation) was supposed to make the link to reach Monsalve and allegedly twist his statements against Uribe.

This is the reason why the Court officially opens the proceedings against Uribe and Prada for investigation of bribery and procedural fraud offenses. The case of Uribe will be handled by the Office of the Prosecutor once the resignation of the senator will be accepted by Congress.

In these interceptions, a lawyer close to Uribe, Diego Javier Cadena, who represented drug traffickers, is heard. We also hear the former prosecutor, Hilda Janeth Niño Farfán (for trying to favor the former paramilitaries).

In the appeals, says the Court, it would be obvious that allegedly Farfán "would have committed to discredit the criminal investigation that was brought against Mr. Santiago Uribe Vélez", brother of Uribe, investigated today for his alleged links with the illegal group of the 12 apostles.

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