Awesome and surreal! The human spirit could be immortalized by 2050


A renowned futurologist, Ian Pearson suggested in his blog that by 2050, people might attend our own funerals, as robots, of course. This scientific expert justified this probability by arguing that at this time, all the information of our brain will be kept in a system or electronic equipment to keep.

Similarly, he specified that a copy of our brain to the cloud, so that by the time people die, the brain information remains intact, working in its electronic version, 99 %. The expert says that, baduming that he has sufficiently spared and that he is well prepared for physical death, he will be connected to an android to use it as his body from of that precise moment.

In this order of ideas, according to Pearson, the person will be at his funeral, and after that, he will continue as before, but this time with a renewed, improved and younger body. Faced with this eventuality, the specialist also points out in his blog that some will have to wait until the year 2060, when the price of android drops, to be able to pay it.

Considering this hypothesis, humans will be able to change their bodies whenever they wish, by virtue of which they will only be the bearers of our mind, whose original copy will be in a storage system.

He also clarified that, indeed, the human spirit will not be immortal, but will survive after the death of the physical body. Despite this extraordinary likelihood of "immortalizing the mind", we must keep in mind something: in the event that a person keeps his mental and cerebral information in one of these warehouses or androids that are used, she should know that these will belong to companies such as Google, Facebook or Apple, so that they can get property rights over the data of people's minds , according to the futurologist.

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