Governors present proposals to Iván Duque

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This Wednesday, the 32 governors of the different departments of the country presented to the president-elect Iván Duque his proposals in social, economic, security and

Duque, with his vice-presidential formula Marta Lucía Ramírez, arrived ready to listen to each of the leaders at the meeting convened by the National Federation of Departments (FDN)


Uribe Defense n & # 39; did not wait for the decision of the Court

The president of the organization, Carlos Julio González, was responsible for the opening of the event, thanked the next president for his presence at the summit for discuss fundamental issues that will build and strengthen the regions of the country

Similarly, González mentioned that Ivan Duque has all the support in his government. "Count on us in the rec I have to work and build what citizens ask, hope and believe in a country. "

On the other hand, the executive director of the FND, Carlos Felipe Córdoba, mentioned what topics would be discussed at the Summit, explained the current situation in the different departments and asked for a quick consensus on the questions of territorial finance.

After these interventions, each of the heads of department spoke about the problems experienced by the regions according to territorial finances, security, hospital networks, rural development, infrastructures, health, peace and the environment.

In #CumbreDeGobernadores Josué Alirio Barrera, @Gob_Casanare proposes to rationalize the process of land titles and strengthen agrarian credit. "Farmers must have their land and not continue to work there as a loan "

– FND Colombia (@FNDCol) Jul 25 t 2018

Caesar's governor, Franco Ovalle, presented seven proposals to the elected president. Among them: stimulate investment and trade, rural status for the transformation of capo, adjust the institutional framework of the national and territorial sector, infrastructure plans, among others.

Greet the President Elect @IvanDuque to whom we express our willingness and determination to continue to work articulately with the national government to continue contributing and contributing to the well-being and development of the department of Cesar.

– Franco Ovalle (@FrancoOvalle) July 25, 2018

On the other hand, the other governors intervened by highlighting key points for the development of the country, such as the well-being of the peasants, the peace agreements between the national government and the FARC and concerns about the implementation process. they asked Iván Duque to continue the dialogues with the ELN guerrillas.

At the summit, the governors told Duque that they were committed to working hand in hand with their government to overcome the difficulties that were not improved. in this outgoing mandate.

After listening to all the leaders, Iván Duque will deliver his speech.


On Wednesday, the 32 governors of the different departments of the country presented to President-elect Iván Duque his proposals on social, economic, security and national development issues.

Duque, with his vice presidential formula Marta Lucía Ramírez, arrived ready to listen to each of the leaders in the meeting convened by the National Federation of Departments (FDN).

The president of the organization, Carlos Julio González, was in charge of the opening of The next President will be his presence at the Summit to address the fundamental issues that will give the opportunity to build and strengthen the regions of the country.

Similarly, Gonzalez mentioned that Ivan Duque has all the support in his government, the search for work and construction of what citizens ask for, hope and faith in a country. "

On the other hand, the di Rector The executive of the FND, Carlos Felipe Córdoba, mentioned the topics that will be discussed at the Summit, explained the current panorama in the different departments and asked for a quick consensus on issues of territorial finance.

After these interventions, each of the departmental leaders spoke of the problems experienced by the regions in terms of territorial finance, security, hospital networks, rural development, infrastructure, health, peace and security. # 39; environment.

In #CumbreDeGobernadores ] Joshua Alirio Barrera, @Gob_Casanare proposes to accelerate the securitization process and strengthen agrarian credit. "The peasants must own their land and not continue to work there as a loan"

– FND Colombia (@FNDCol) July 25, 2018

The Caesar's governor, Franco Ovalle, presented seven proposals to the elected president. Among them: stimulate investment and trade, rural status for the transformation of capo, adjust the institutional framework of the national and territorial sector, infrastructure plans, among others.

Greet the President Elect @IvanDuque to whom we express our willingness and determination to continue to work articulately with the national government to continue contributing and contributing to the well-being and development of the department of Cesar.

– Franco Ovalle (@FrancoOvalle) July 25, 2018

On the other hand, the other governors intervened by highlighting the key points for the country's development, such as the welfare of the peasants, peace agreements between the national government and the FARC and concerns about the implementation process and they asked Iván Duque to continue the dialogues with the guerrillas of the country. ELN

the governors told Duque of his commitment to working hand in hand with his government, to overcome the difficulties that have not been improved in this outgoing mandate.

After listening to all the leaders, Iván Duque will proceed to his speech.

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