Why the Supreme Court Calls Alvaro Uribe Investigator for Handling Witnesses – Courts – Justice


In the 12-page document with which he called the senator and former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, and the representative Hernán Prada Artunduaga, the Supreme Court badures that they conspired to try to manipulate the witnesses and divert the Action of justice.

In this document, the Court recalls that it compiled copies against Uribe on February 16 for the alleged manipulation of witnesses against Senator Iván Cepeda, the High Court having found threats and possible offers to influence the statements of several witnesses who appeared in this process.

The High Court ensures that on February 22 this year, while Uribe's defense was being appealed for a review aimed at overturning the case against Cepeda and certifying that copies had been made against the former president, the lawyer Reinaldo Villalba Vargas has filed a complaint. [1959003] Villalba said that on February 21, a day earlier, "Mr. Juan Guillermo Monsalve received from a friend of Neiva, via Whats App, a written message in which they say" there has a very big man 'that he wants to talk about me' regarding this chicharrón … they came to me from the ex … so that i could speak with you directly from the l & rsquo; "

According to Villalba, this third party, by a voice message, told Monsalve that the president of the Huila Democratic Center, Hernán Prada, approached him ] "and asked him to take care of him video in which he will retract his testimony and blame Cepeda for offering him benefits to make statements. This video had to be filed urgently on Friday. "That day, the terms of Uribe to interpose the appeal to the cancellation against the decision ordering to investigate by the false witnesses against Cepeda.

In addition, this interlocutor told him that Monsalve was going to be sent as a lawyer.He also told him that the spokesperson of the Democratic Center, representing Prada, "from his phone put him directly on the Speaker to speak to the "old man" who "was the voice of the old man", and told him to help with the video. "

The same February 21, a lawyer – who would be Diego Cadena, Uribe's lawyer and who represented drug traffickers – went to La Picota Prison , where Juan Guillermo Monsalve was, interview him, but that day he refused to receive it.
However, through whom he had contacted, they learned that he had come to propose to Monsalve to urgently make a video retracting his testimony against Uribe.

Villalba's complaint led the Court to open a preliminary investigation on February 22, during which an intelligence process was initiated by the intermediary of the CTI of the Office of the Prosecutor and other evidence were collected.

In this investigation, it was found that it was the representative Álvaro Hernán Prada Artunduaga the member of the Congress with whom Carlos Eduardo López Callejas (the intermediary who wrote to Monsalve) apparently contacted 21 and 21 days to reach Monsalve. According to the record, that is Prada "the important person" who wanted to contact Monsalve and who asked Carlos Eduardo López Calleja, close to the ex-paramilitary, to contact him "in order to convince him of to make a video retracting his statements he told Dr. Uribe Vélez ", which was not realized because of Monsalve's refusal.

The Court also concluded that Diego Javier Cadena Ramírez, Uribe's lawyer, was the one who, on February 21, had attempted to meet Juan Guillermo Monsalve and that the 22 , thanks to the intervention of Enrique Pardo Hasche, prisoner in La Picota and fellow prisoner, managed to reach the paramilitaries.

That day, the lawyer Diego Cadena, received by Enrique Pardo Hasche, entered the visiting room of the extradition pavilion of Picota Prison. Then comes Héctor Romero, who defends Juan Monsalve, and a few minutes later, according to the Court, lawyers Jaime Lombana and María Mercedes Williamson have entered.

At this meeting, Cadena told Monsalve that he was acting on behalf of Uribe and asked him to sign a pre-prepared document to introduce him to the replacement call that he had made. he would send to the Court.

For him to join, Cadena proposed to Monsalve an action for review in his case, without charging him any legal fees, and by managing better terms and conditions. ;imprisonment. He also told him that he would ask for security for him and his family. At that time, Hasche intervened to say that Monsalve should seek other contacts who would also discredit what Ex-Colonel Juan Carlos Meneses had said in the investigation against the brother of Uribe , Santiago Uribe, for his links with the 12 Apostles.

The Court said in the order that "currently, Senator Uribe Vélez continues to use the services of the lawyer Diego Javier Cadena Ramírez, who, together with d & # 39; other people, contacted different prisons – and apart from them – ex-members of paramilitary groups – in exchange for legal favors and apparently money – they developed writings and videos in favor of the senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez and his brother Santiago. "

The Court also affirmed that the Uribe senior and deputy attorneys presented to the Court testimonies and documents with which they attempt to distort the statements that led to collecting copies against Uribe In these documents, some witnesses call the liars Pablo Hernán Sierra and Juan Guillermo Monsalve – the exparamiltiares of the Metro block that connects Santiago Uribe to illegal groups. [19659003] The Court also badures that Diego Cadena, following the instructions of Uribe, "contacted the ex-prosecutor Hilda Janeth Niño Farfán in El Buen Pastor Prison to pledge to testify at the trial of Santiago Uribe as senior officials of the Attorney General's Office of the Nation, they conspired to accuse him, to which he consented, asking in exchange for help so that in accordance with a tutelary action already decided in his favor , the Cavalry School becomes a new place of internment. "

For this reason, the Court badured that the participation of several people, including the Congressman Álvaro Prada Artunduaga, was" in the design and implementation of a plan to hijack the attention of justice and, thus, to make a mistake in the determinations that will have to be made by weighing the veracity of the accusations against MM. Álvaro and Santiago Uribe Vélez "

Thus, the Court says that Uribe and Prada should be the subject of an investigation for corruption and procedural fraud.

During the proceedings, the Court cited as witnesses over 25 witnesses, including Juan Guillermo Monsalve and Uribe's lawyers, including Jaime Lombana

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