Happy birthday Cali! Today is 482 years of founding of "La sultana del valle".


The Cali community celebrates the 482nd anniversary of the Cali Foundation, the city will have commemorative activities, where the whole family can attend.

Cali is a city of open spaces for tourism and recreation. The capital of Valle del Cauca is the third largest city in Colombia, and beautiful women abound, places of historical value and day and night entertainment areas that make it a tourist hotspot.

The Mayor's Office of 'El Tiempo & # 39; offers an official program that includes a bike ride along the Bulevar del Río, a tribute to Sebastián de Belalcázar and the inauguration of a new monument.

diary for the celebration of this Wednesday:

Commemorative Events of the Anniversary of Cali

8:00 a. m. Monument to Sebastián de Belalcázar

A floral offering will take place, the Resilience Strategy book will be given by Vivian Argueta, Director of Cali Resilience, and two special decorations at Benemérito Cuerpo de Pompiers de Cali in his 90s and Julio Profe Youtuber, internationally known for being the pioneer in tutorials on exercises in mathematics, arithmetic, calculus, trigonometry, among other digital sciences.

Cali Progresa en Bici: Así avanza the bicycle mobility program

9:30 a. m. Paseo de la Avenida Colombia (Bulevar del Río)

In the 482 years of Cali, the administration of Maurice Armitage advances to progress.

The bicycle mobility program covers its final stages so that at the end of the administration, the city is a pioneer of sustainable, clean and resilient mobility. In the event there will be 40 public bicycles from Metrocali and with the presence of groups of biciusuarios. The handbook of the cyclist Caleño will be presented, built in collaboration between the municipality and the promoters citizens of the cycling culture

Launching of the strategy of resilience (discussion)

11:00 a. m. Banco de la República, cultural space auditorium, career number 7, number 69.

The Mayor's Office and the Resilient Cities Program of the Rockefeller Foundation will launch the Resilience Strategy: "Cali Resiliente, a opportunity city for Progreso. "

The conversation will be attended by the mayor of Cali, Maurice Armitage, the regional director of 100 resilient cities in Latin America, Eugene Zapata, the president of the Cali Chamber of Commerce, Esteban Piedrahita, the secretary of peace and of civic culture, Rocío Gutiérrez Cely, and the expeditions advisor, Maria de las Mercedes Romero

Haka of the Reconciliación

4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Plazoleta del CAM / Paseo de Avenida Colombia (Bulevar del Río)

The Haka of Reconciliation is a powerful dance represented by a group of managers of peace and citizen culture, with a live precision, which uses sentences accompanied by bodily sounds and movements with great strength taken from Maori culture

This dance, which involves body and sound, calls for respect for life as the first stop to achieve reconciliation.

[1949002] 59005] Cali & # 39; responsible for the Constructora Meléndez

7:00 p. m. Avenida 4 West with 5 West Street, Park adjacent to Casa Obeso.

The Meléndez construction company will deliver to the citizens and the Municipal Administration the monument that gives the city, the four letters that form the name of Cali and that from that day will be a new attraction tourist for its own and the tourists.

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