Relatives of murdered journalists feel "cheated" by Ecuadorian government


Relatives of the journalistic team of the newspaper El Comercio in Ecuador, killed in captivity in Colombia by FARC dissidents, considered the confidential information that the government had given them about the case " mockery".

Last May, they were seen for the first time this Wednesday in Quito, on the occasion of the visit of a specialized team of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR ) who will badyze, at the request of the government, the actions of the authorities during the abduction

"We were mocked, it's a shame," said Cristian Segarra, son of driver Efraín Segarra, after reviewing the documentation.

According to relatives, the authorities provided them, among other things, letters of condolence from the embbadies, copies of the press accreditation and a newspaper showing that the journalist Javier Ortega, the photographer Paúl Rivas and Segarra cross a checkpoint military in the border town of Mataje for a report on March 26, when they were abducted.

"They deceived us, they continue to deceive us, 80% of the information delivered today is public What information do you give?" Segarra said.

Ricardo Rivas, brother of the photographer, said that he will submit a new request for information to the Ecuadorian and Colombian authorities, because they have not found any data on the operations or military meetings. of the crisis committee that formed the government of President Lenin Moreno.

"I do not know if I get really angry or smile at the position of the national government (…) Families feel cheated". The IACHR will remain in Ecuador until Friday to badyze the decisions taken by the authorities during the abduction of Ortega, Rivas and Segarra, whose death was confirmed on April 13.

The discovery of the bodies on June 22 ended in months of anxiety, during which families criticized the governments of Ecuador and Colombia for contradictory information that they have offered on the case.

traditions, there were many discordances in communication. Now, it is evident through the documents that are given to the special monitoring team of the IACHR, "said Rivas.

After the killing of workers El Comercio, Colombia and Ecuador have launched a hunt against Ecuadorian Walther Arizala, former FARC guerrilla known by the pseudonym "Guacho", who has been attributed the triple crime.

"Guacho" is accused by l ". Colombian army operating as an armed branch of the Mexican drug cartel in Sinaloa killing a couple of Ecuadorians

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