They discover a frog that grows like a goat in Magdalena


It looks like a mammal but it is amphibious. Scientists have discovered in the tropical forests of Colombia a species of endemic frog with green bones that croak like goats.

The Humboldt Institute, linked to the Ministry of the Environment, unveiled Wednesday the most recent discovery in the second most mega-diversified country in the world, after Brazil: the Scinax caprarius

This amphibian owes its name "to the song that males of this species emit" which is "similar to the sound of goats" said the body in a statement

In addition to bleating, this little frog has green bones and reddish brown tones and gilded on the upper body and usually measures between 28 and 31 millimeters.

The expedition that led to this unique discovery began in 2016 and was led by Colombian biologist Andrés Acosta, a source of this agency told AFP [19659003] His discovery is the result of scientific explorations. As a result of the activities of the Colombian BIO project, supported by Colciencias,

the new species was located in the fertile middle valley of Magdalena in the subandine forests the tropical rainforests and the dry tropical forest.

Nocturnal habits, this frog is frequently seen in the rainy season.

And to rejoice Scinax caprarius is an amphibian that abounds in conserved habitats, which excludes it from the list of endangered species of the International Union for the Conservation of nature (IUCN), according to the Humboldt Institute

That today's frog "represents a minor concern for Colombian scientists does not mean to ignore his study, on the contrary, it requires constant monitoring in order to maintain

Of the 817 species of amphibians documented in Colombia, 56 are critically endangered 89 endangered and 85 in vulnerable condition, according to the Red Lists of IUCN

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