Issuing at the Nicaraguan Embassy in Mexico 42,000 signatures to demand the dismissal of Daniel Ortega


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The Mexican Commission of Human Rights (CMDH), Citizens for Mexico Colectivo and CitizenGO went Wednesday to the Embbady of Nicaragua to present a list of 42 000 signatures of Mexican and Latin American citizens who demand the cessation of violence in the country of Central America, where more than 350 people lost their lives because of the repression orchestrated by the government of Daniel Ortega.

"We express our solidarity with all the victims and their families for this serious attack on the lives of the citizens of this country and we ask President Daniel Ortega to leave the presidency to pacify the country or to reopen the facilitated dialogue table. by international organizations and representatives of civil society in which a way back to democracy, "say the organizations in a statement.

According to the text, the United Nations Security Council asked him to monitor the situation in Nicaragua, as well as his intervention to ensure order and stability, while the International Criminal Court was responsible for To investigate whether senior police officials and possibly the Ortega government were committing crimes against humanity. 19659002] "We are concerned that there are no intermediary groups, political parties, Congresses, the Human Rights Commission, the Ombudsman or the United Nations. non-governmental groups able to handle this power and, in this sense, the only counterbalance The power of President Daniel Ortega is the Catholic Church, for which we express our support for the work he has done to restore democracy and peace, "said José Abel Flores Ramírez, Chair of the CMDH.

He added: "The situation in Nicaragua right now is very alarming, because there is no rule of law, and Mexico can not look on the other side when our Nicaraguan brothers suffer such a wave of repression, torture, arbitrary detentions and summary executions, as already denounced by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. "

The CMDH, CitizenGO and the Collective of the citizens of Mexico have called us unite in the demands of the democratization of Nicaragua, and our Nicaraguan brothers we say that we will remain attentive to the development of the events and will accompany them in these difficult hours to realize the true democracy for the good of all. "

The 42,000 signatures collected thanks to the campaign launched on the CitizenGo platform in April

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