Dominicana won his fifth gold medal in women's volleyball


With an effective match, they beat Colombia 3-0 on Wednesday and the gold medal was hung at the Barranquilla Fair in 2018. [19659005] The women's volleyball team of the Dominican Republic He confirmed his good defense and his big block. In the final of the Central American and Caribbean Games, Barranquilla faced Colombia and confirmed his power and lost only two sets throughout the championship.

The Dominicans, with an effective match, beat Colombia 3-0 last night, the Sugar Baby Rojas Fights Palace and conquered the gold medal.

The Dominicans were far superior to Colombia, who failed to finish. The match started with an excited Colombian team, who quickly won 4-0 in the first set, but the Dominicans tied the action and took the initiative.

The first set ended up winning 25-19. In the initial phase of the second set, Colombia showed some fighting spirit, but his opponent quickly took control and made a big difference again.

Priscilia Rivera was the Dominican key. With his strength, he manipulated the Colombian team, who had trouble blocking his opponent's shots. The second set ended 25-17

The third set, Colombia came out stronger and gave the Dominicans more fight, but once again they took control and in the end they won 25-19 [19659006] Dominican continues to send In the Women's Volleyball Games of Central America and the Caribbean, with the title of Wednesday night, she won her fifth title online. Colombia had to settle for the silver medal. The bronze medal went to Puerto Rico, who defeated Mexico in a brisk 3-2 match.

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