Android would have the days counted with the arrival of this new operating system


According to Bloomberg, more than 100 Mountain View engineers are working on the development of this internally supported project by Google CO, Sundar Pichai.

The new operating system is known as Fuchsia Os and would be a brand new platform, which would not be based on the Linux kernel (managed by Android), but on 'Microkernel Zircon & # 39; ; which would be used in phones, computers and other devices connected to the Internet.

The article continues in the following page [19659002] It is estimated that Google launches the first "gadget" with Fuchsia OS in 2021 and begins to replace Android from 2023, a rather complicated task considering that Android runs on most smartphones around the world. [19659005]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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