The women who will be part of the cabinet of Duque – Government – Politics


On Wednesday, President-elect Iván Duque completed the names of the officials who will accompany him in his government.

In total, there will be 8 women and 8 men. Since his victory, Duque said that 50% of the ministries would be composed of women and he filled it. "Colombia is a country where women have great leadership," he said at the time

C is the trajectory and summary of the 8 new ministers.

Silvia Constain, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications

  Silvia Constain

Silvia Constain, New Minister of ICTs

She is an economist and holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from University of Los Andes. She is a executive with over 20 years of international experience in designing and executing strategy, management and development.

Positions held:

– February Public Policy for the Southern Cone and Director of Government Relations of Apple for South America. She also has extensive experience as a consultant to businesses, governments, international financial institutions and development agencies.
-At the Colombian Embbady in Washington, she was Minister Plenipotentiary and responsible for relations with the United States Congress. She has been Deputy Director of the Colombian Trade Office in Washington and Director of Foreign Investment and Services at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

Angela Maria Orozco Gómez, Minister of Transport

  Ángela Maria Orozco

Ángela Maria Orozco, appointed Minister of Transport of the Government of Iván Duque


Photo: taken of Twitter Iván Duque

Professional in Law and Socio-Economic Sciences from the Javeriana University of Bogotá (1989), with a Masters in Comparative Jurisprudence from the University of Texas, USA (1990) and specialization in Economic Law of the Externado University of Colombia (1992).

Offices held:

– Minister of Foreign Trade (February – August 2002)
-President of Proexport (October 2000-February 2002)
-Vice of Foreign Trade (August 1998-October 2000)
-Vice President of La Asoc Colombian Association of Flower Exporters (October 1995 to August 1998)
– Arbitrator of the Panel for the Settlement of Disputes between Chile and Colombia in the Case sugar, as part of ALADI (2004).
-Professor She is currently President of Asograsas (Colombian Association of Producers of Edible Fats and Oils) and Founding Partner of Research and Opportunities for International Trade of Pontifical University Javeriana . 19659018] Carmen Inés Vásquez Camacho, Minister of Culture

  Carmen Inés Vásquez

Born in Buenaventura, she is a lawyer at the Free University of Cali, with a Master's degree in Administrative Law, specializing in International Relations and Law Constitutional.

Mandates Served:

-Ministra Plenipotentiary of the Mission of Colombia to the OAS
-Vice Minister for the Participation and Equal Rights of the Ministry of the OEA 39; Interior
-Contralora delegate for the sector of defense, justice and security
-Secretary of the Comptroller General of the Republic
– Ethno-legal adviser of the Ministry of the Interior

Alicia Arango Olmos, Minister of Labor

  Alicia Arango, New Minister of Labor

Arango was also the private secretary of former President Álvaro Uribe


Rodrigo Sepúlveda / EL TIEMPO

specialist in public management and administrative institutions, with more than twenty-five years of professional experience in the public sector on issues such as implementation, management, implementation of public policies and a v experience in multilateral relations. ] Leader of the debate campaign of Iván Duque President (2016-2018)
– Director of the Democratic Center (2014 – 2015).
– Ambbadador to the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (2010 – 2013)
– Secretary to the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic (2002 – May 2010)
– Director of District Institute of Recreation and Sport – IDRD – Bogotá (1999-2000)
– Director of the Cundinamarca Regional Institute of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (1992 – 1994)

Gloria Maria Borrero, Minister of Justice

  Gloria Maria Borrero

] Gloria María Borrero, Minister of Justice of Iván Duque

She is a lawyer of the University Javeriana , specializing in administrative law at the Universidad del Rosario, with over 35 years of national and international experience in State Management, particularly the administration of justice

Position held:

– Currently director of the Société d'exc ellence in justice. She has been a consultant for the Ministry of the Interior and Justice in the construction of the Information System of Integral Legal Management of the State, as well as for badysis and badysis. development of the Corporate Data Warehouse System (2005-2006). worked for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Colombia, as a consultant for the implementation of the Leadership Building Project for the Construction of Policies for the Improvement of Justice Policies (2005). As a consultant for the design team of the reform program of democracy and justice at USAID – Colombia (2006 – 2010), among others.
– I was technical secretary of the Expert Commission on Justice Reform created by the decree. 4932 of 2009 and the Constitutional Commission Monitoring the Criminal Reform.

María Fernanda Suárez, Minister of Mines and Energy

  María Fernanda Suárez, Minister of Mines and Energy

María Fernanda Suárez, Executive Vice President Ecopetrol, was appointed this Wednesday as the new Minister of Mines and Energy


Twitter: @IvanDuque

She is a CESA Business Administrator and holds a Master's degree in Public Policy Management from GeorgeTown University. ] Positions held:

– Have more than 20 years of experience in the public and private sectors. She has been Vice President of Strategy and Finance at Ecopetrol since 2015.
– She was Director of Public Credit and Treasury at the Ministry of Finance; Vice President of Investments of Porvenir Pension Fund and Executive in Citibank, Abn Amro and Bank of America.
-He belonged to the Board of Directors of ISA, Isagen, XM, FDN, Cenit and Ocensa, among others. He has lectured on Leadership and International Finance.

María Victoria Angulo, Minister of Education

  María Victoria Angulo

María Victoria Angulo, current Secretary of Education of Bogotá, will be Minister of Education of the Government of Colombia. Iván Duque. 19659013] Foto:

Juan Manuel Vargas / EL TIEMPO

He is an economist at the Universidad de los Andes (1992-1995), holds a master's degree in economic development from the University Los Andes (1996-1997) and applied economic badysis of the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, ​​Spain (1999-2001).


-Currently, Secretary of Education of Bogotá. She has been Director of the Entrepreneurship Foundation for Education (2011-2015) and Director of Promotion of Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education (2007 – 2011).
– Deputy Director of Management Support of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of National Education (2004-2007), Deputy Director of Sector Development, Department of Economic Studies of the Ministry of Finance and business advisor (2001-2003). She has also been a consultant to the Economic Studies Department, Department of Monetary and Budgetary Policy of the National Planning Department (2007 – 2009).
– She has been professor at the Economics Faculties of the Andes, Rosario and Javeriana University, and a master's degree at the Graduate School of Public Administration. He has more than 18 academic publications.

Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, Minister of the Interior

  Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez

Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez will arrive at the Ministry of the Interior

She was born in Girardot, Cundinamarca. She is a lawyer at the Colegio Mayor of Nuestra Señora del Rosario and a specialist in administrative law at the same university.

Servitions Served:

– Elected first mayor of popular election in the municipality of Agua de Dios (Cundinamarca)) in 1988. In 1991, she was responsible for the Regional Directorate of the Colombian Institute of Family Protection in Cundinamarca. She was Secretary of the Departmental Environment in 1995 and Secretary General of the Government of Cundinamarca in 1996.
– Representative in the House 1998-2002 and 2002-2006, being the first woman President of the House of Representatives in the year 2000.
-He arrived at the Senate of the Republic for the period 2006 – 2010 and was elected president of the Congress in 2007, becoming the only woman to have held the presidency of the two legislative chambers.
-Since 2014 She is President of the Association of Telecommunications Companies (Asomovil). She was a candidate for the presidency of Cundinamarca in October 2015, approved by the citizen movement "Firmes con Cundinamarca", by the Democratic Center and the Conservative Party; he also had support from independent sectors of other parties.


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