Navarro traces the principles that would guide his management when he is Mayor of Bogotá


The former senator, who for months has shown interest in joining Lievano Palace, has set 33 priorities for what would be his management in the District, including zero corruption and preference for the most vulnerable.

Then Navarro, who was the governor of Nariño, served as secretary of the government during the Petro administration.

One year after mayors and governors elections, the names of those aspiring to come up with what is considered the second most important administrative post in the country after the president are already specified : ] the mayor of Bogotá.

Although his aspiration was evident for several months, the former senator Antonio Navarro (Green Alliance) formalized this Thursday his claims of to arrive at Palacio Liévano . Through a tweet, in which he outlined the seven principles that would guide his management at the head of the district administration, the former congressman formalized his aspiration. [1959] Navarro, who was governor of Nariño and served as secretary of the district government during the administration of the former mayor Gustavo Petro, badured that, If he is elected, he will establish 33 priorities contained in principles such as zero tolerance with corruption ] the priority of education and a preference for the most vulnerable.

Last April, Navarro – in his career as Mayor of Bogota – promised that when he was elected mayor, he will encourage the mbadive installation of solar panels . At that time, he said: "The photovoltaic energy, generated with solar panels, is cyclic in Colombia, whose main source is hydropower: more than 39, summer, less water and more solar brightness.If I am mayor, I will promote the mbadive installation of solar panels in Bogota. "

(Read: Navarro Wolff begins his campaign for the Mayor of Bogotá)

Navarro was one of important leaders of the M-19 movement to which also belonged Gustavo Petro. However, without Petro's first 100 days as mayor, Navarro resigned from his post, apparently due to differences with the former president.

Since 2014, he served as senator of the Green Alliance and became one of the closest parliamentarians to the senator Claudia López, who was the presidential formula of Sergio Fajardo and which also rang for arriving at Palacio Liévano.

They also went to the ring to finally aspire to the mayor's office are the current advisers Diego Molano (Democratic Center) and Hollman Morris (Progressive); the former Minister of ICT, Diego Luna ; and the former senator Carlos Fernando Galán.

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