Putin and Xi Jinping ratify the continuity of investment in infrastructure in Argentina


In South Africa, where the president is at the top of the Brics, he said that "it is important that Russian companies continue to compete and submit to offers" in the PPP system. The head of state seeks to strengthen his image with the support of the powers

President Mauricio Macri met on Thursday with his Russian counterparts, Vladimir Putin from China, Xi Jinping and from India, Narendra Modi, in the South African city of Johannesburg, where he arrived this morning to participate in the Tenth BRICS Summit the economic and trade badociation of the five largest emerging economies in the world.
After 11, Macri and Putin as officially announced, held the meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel of this city and expressed their intention to expand bilateral cooperation and trade.

Next Argentine President met the President of China, Xi Jinping. At the end of the day, was found with the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi.

Argentina was invited to participate in the BRICS Summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and since 2011 South Africa) in its capacity to exercise In fact, for Macri, this conclave involves the countdown to the G20 meeting, which will begin on November 30 in Buenos Aires and will bring together US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart.

Faced with an election year and falling in the polls, the President seeks to reinforce his image by showing the support of powers ] to its management.

Thus, the BRICS Summit takes on a special meaning after the vicissitudes that its administration has gone through at the domestic level, hand in hand with the exchange rate, the dollar jump and the accelerated one that hit inflation and that provokes Rather than wearing images,

Meeting with Putin
Macri and Putin reaffirmed "the links that unite Argentina and the Russian Federation in various fields and have expressed their intention to expand bilateral cooperation and the trade "said the presidency in a statement.

"Russia is a key player in the world and a strategic partner for Argentina.We are advancing many in different fields ," said President Macri at the bilateral meeting held at the Four Seasons Hotel, on the outskirts of the city of Johannesburg "

" I hope to have your presence in Buenos Aires, "said Macri about the G20 Leaders Summit to be held in the city of Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1. ] Accompanying the President, Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie, Secretary of Strategic Affairs Fulvio Pompeo and Spokesperson Ivan Pavlovsky, as well as the Ambbadador of Argentina to South Africa, Javier Figueroa

Macri points out the arrival of the first Russian investments and, among them, mentioned the company TMH which, with an investment of 3 million dollars, allowed the reactivation of the workshop La Mechita, located in the Bragado district in Buenos Aires, which is part of the Sarmiento railway line. [19659005] "We want to increase the investments in the railway park and for that we have in Argentina ambitious plans of private public participation ( PPP ) for the development of the"

"That is why important that Russian firms continue to compete and to submit to bids", he added.

] On the other hand, the Argentine President The approval by the Congress of the Cooperation Agreement for the peaceful use of nuclear energy was also emphasized.

In addition, he said he was satisfied with the development of the bilateral negotiations on fisheries and aquaculture and indicated that he wanted the agreement to be sealed at the G20 summit [19659006Inthiscontexttheheadofstateexpressedhisenthusiasmforanopeningintheagro-industrialfieldandpointedoutthatArgentinacouldexporttoRussiacattleandspermfertileeggsandagriculturalmachinerybecauseofthehighqualityoftheseproducts

He also proposed that companies from this country participate in the exploration and exploitation of uranium in southern Argentina.

In another order, he stressed that represent a "very big challenge" the goal that the Paris Agreement, signed in late 2015, commits nearly 200 nations to combat climate change, can be ratified on this occasion. In turn, Putin on pledged the support of Russia for the candidacy of Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi for High Commissioner to human rights of UN .

The head of the Russian state thanks Macri for attending the BRICS Summit and wishes him the organization of the G20, which Argentina has been chairing since December, December. ;last year.

"Our relations are successful, our exchange is growing and we want to develop this cooperation," said Putin.

Argentina exports cattle, pears and fresh apples from edible waste, lemons and tangerines, cheeses in Russia Meanwhile, Argentina imports diesel, monoammonium phosphate, mineral or nitrogenous chemical fertilizers , synthetic rubber and ferroalloys

. The audience of the two Presidents briefly spoke of the contingencies of the World Cup Soccer held in June and July in the Russian Federation.

President Macri pointed out that he would have liked to attend some World Cup matches, but he explained that because of problems at the national agenda, he decided not to travel.

He also pointed to the outstanding role played by the Russian national team, which reached the quarterfinals, and qualified as "excellent" level of achievement. organization of the Cup.

Putin pointed out that Although the Argentine national team was eliminated by France, at the beginning of the eighth inning, eventually fell to the team that won the title.

In addition, Putin he proposed to Macri that Argentine football participated in a cup organized by Russia which would have competed with some Latin Americans in the stadiums used in the World Cup

Conclave with Xi Jinping
hearing with Putin, Macri interviewed with the President of China, Xi Jinping one of the leaders of the international community who openly supported him at a time when Argentina was negotiating an agreement so t As a stand-by loan to the IMF .

"China strongly supports the efforts of the Argentine side to maintain national stability and development and is ready to provide all necessary badistance," said the official letter of the leader of the Asian giant, issued at the mid-May

The President will close Thursday's day in South Africa with a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

The Heads of State participate in the BRICS Summit in this city

Audience with Modi
President Mauricio Macri closed Thursday his agenda with a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which was held at the Sandton Convention Center.

Arrival and intense agenda
The head of state arrived this at noon in the city of Johannesburg, in South Africa, to participate as a guest at the Tenth Summit of the BRICS, the group of countries with the world's most powerful emerging economies

Macri arrived at OR Tambo International Airport, designated to the use of invited heads of state, where he was received by the ambbadador to South Africa, Javier Figueroa, and the national director of the Ceremonial Chancellery, Marcelo Suárez Salvia.

After 11 years, he met Putin. Afternoon, he did the same with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, at the Hotel Michelangelo, next to Mandela Square.

While it was at 7:10 pm (2:10 pm Argentina), he had a bilateral relationship with the prime minister. Narendra Modi, of the Republic of India, at the Sandton Convention Center

This Friday, for its part, will hold a meeting with the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, and two pool with the President of Turkey recently re-elected, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and President of Brazil, Michel Temer.

As part of the summit, Macri will participate from a luncheon work and initiative BRICS Plus, which brings together presidents and chiefs of staff. Invited State

During the BRICS Heads of State and Government Dialogue Session, the President will take the floor as the G20 Pro Tempore President. [19659005] The BRICS Plus initiative was made before this Summit and South Africa has maintained it, this time with the slogan: ensuring sustainable and inclusive growth for the prosperity of the South.

In the BRICS Plus Working Lunch they will also participate As guests, members of the Africa Outreach Group (Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Gabon, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo and Uganda ).

The leaders of BRICS Plus were invited to:

– Argentina: President of the G20 and member of MERCOSUR

– Egypt: Chairman of Group 77 + China.

– Jamaica: New President of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

– Turkey: President of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

– United Nations

Principal Partners
From the point of view of the consultant and former director of Fundación ExportA r, Marcelo Elizondo "The significance of the voyage in South Africa is great in political terms."

"The Developed World is at a very special moment The European Union is having problems with Brexit, in a context where the new administration in Spain is very weak, or if Angela Merkel had to go out to form alliances in order to be able to govern. that, while the United States continues to pose a very disruptive agenda, which is why it is very important that Argentina has strong ties to the emerging world ", says he.

"They are markets that have a lot of potential to become a destination of our exports or the origin of the investments.But in addition, and it is very important , they can be allies in the international agenda posed by macrism, "he adds.

In the business plan, according to Elizondo, the BRICS" are transcendental The Generation of Foreign Exchange ":

– Brazil is the main market with export operations amounting to 10,000 million US dollars per year.

China is located between second and third place with shipments of $ 4.5 billion and GDP growth of 6%.

India as for it, "is a destination has progressed a lot ", according to Elizondo, ranking in sixth place and with an expected expansion of the Economy of around 6% by 2018.

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