Michael Cohen, lawyer who knows all the secrets of Donald Trump


One of the most loyal men to the President of the United States, his personal attorney, threatens to tell everything about the tycoon. Why?

Michael Cohen, former lawyer and confidant of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. / AFP

The President of the United States has always been alone and although he demands the loyalty of those who try to serve him, he does not seem to have it. Michael Cohen, 51, his ex-lawyer and the most loyal person (up here) to the Trump clan, is willing to collaborate with the law to avoid jail, so he has to say what he knows (absolutely everything) of what was his best client: Donald Trump

This week, Cohen, through his lawyer, gave the CNN news channel the registration of 39, a conversation with Trump. The band, owned by the FBI, reveals a dialogue in which former partners mention a million-dollar payment to David Becker, editor of the sensational weekly National Enquirer. See also: Reveal the audio between Trump and a lawyer talking about model corruption

In August 2016, this publication bought the exclusive of the […] story of Karen McDougal, ex-Playboy model, who claims to have had a 10-month love affair with Trump (between 2006 and 2007), just after Melania gave birth to Donald's youngest son, Barron Trump.

Cohen is under federal investigation in New York for your business Justice is also investigating whether the payments made to silence the allegations against Trump against women have violated the law.

"What kind of lawyer would register a customer? Very sad!" Writes Trump on Twitter. Months before bragging about Cohen's loyalty. "Dishonest, they are wrong when they expect Cohen to break their loyalty, I do not see him doing it," insisted the president.

But when he pulled out the recording, Cohen broke everything. Explain to American lawyers who took a very unusual risk in a lawyer. That's your professional death certificate, they explain. But Michael Cohen was already dead as a professional. He signed his sentence when he decided to become "Trump's personal attorney".

"Most lawyers are shocked that a colleague can do things like running away from his client's material," said the constitutional attorney. Washington Post. "But Michael Cohen is not a common advocate – he has long been regarded as the shame of the profession."

Taxis and Agreements

According to The Atlantic magazine, the relationship between Donald Trump and Michael Cohen date back to the year 2000. Then the lawyer was living in a Trump building in front of the UN complex in New York. The owners' council had several complaints against the Trump organization, which was threatening to be wrong, but Cohen intervened. He so impressed the tycoon that he decided to hire him. "Who is this guy? My lawyers, to whom I give thousands of dollars, could not do it, I want to meet him!" Said Trump to his team, according to Cohen's uncle said at the Associated Press (AP).

Since then, Cohen has become Trump's "problem solver." What no lawyer or tycoon employee has managed to fix, the condo attorney has done through secret payments and other reprehensible practices. He's self-baptized "The Fixer". "I'm busy with everything that needs to be solved," Cohen told the Wall Street Journal

and he boasted about his loyalty to Trump: "He's more than a boss." he is our patriarch, "he answered in interviews. . "I will always protect our president," was his introductory sentence until April 8, when the FBI attacked his office.

Cohen, one of New York's richest men, ambaded a fortune as a real estate mogul and owner. Several taxi companies in the city. The New York Times says that he always carries a gun on his ankle and often uses threats as part of his speech. "I'll cut your neck" or "I'll leave you penniless" are the most common. Journalist Adam Davidson told the New York Times that the lawyer was Trump's "deal maker" in the United States and abroad, many of whom are currently under surveillance.

The former trump trustee he is described by other workers of the mogul companies as "someone willing to perform all kinds of transactions for the benefit of his boss". The lawyer admitted, for example, to have paid $ 130,000 to Stormy Daniels, a bad scanner, to buy his silence.

"If someone chooses a man to do the dirty work, he should be smart and solid," tweeted Michael Avenatti. Stormy Daniels bad actress lawyer. "Trump was wrong in both cases when he hired Cohen."

"Michael Cohen has taken a new direction in his life and is determined to tell the truth," said his defender, Lanny Davis, after denouncing a multi-month campaign by Donald Trump to discredit his client. "Cohen appears as someone who seeks to protect himself more than anything, and it's always a risk," said Julian Zelizer, a professor at Princeton University. You might be interested in: He is the man most hated by Donald Trump

The publication of the recording "registered" may to be in Cohen's strategy to seek an agreement (with justice) and to escape a process, "says Paul Beck, professor of political science at Ohio State University.

For Andrew Wright, a law professor at Savannah Law School in Georgia, the US legal operation gives prosecutors and investigators freedom to not charge anyone who agrees to collaborate.

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