The State Council rejected the application for electoral nullity against Antanas Mockus


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26 July 2018 – 9:59 pm
2018-07-26 By:


The State Council dismissed a claim for electoral nullity against the Green Alliance Party Senator, Antanas Mockus, who was the second member the most voted of the country with more than 530 000 votes.

This was confirmed by the Magistrate of the Fifth Section of the High Court, Rocío Araújo Oñate, who rejected the complaint against Resolution 1586 issued by the National Electoral Council on July 18, 2018, with which it was decided not to replace Resolution 1507 of 2018.

With Resolution 1507, the demands of citizens to revoke the registration of Mockus as a candidate for the Senate of the Republic for the period 2018-2022 were rejected, and he he abstained from canceling the vote cast. his favor in the elections of 11 March 2018.

"The ground for this inadmissibility is that such administrative acts can be challenged only indirectly in the lawsuit against the act declaring the choice , which is the final act.Also, defamation of introduction was denied for correction because it did not meet the requirements of form, "said the judge.

However, at the State Council filed a lawsuit for loss of investiture against the congressman, who was interposed on the grounds that the parliamentarian would be prevented from practicing as president Honorary of the Corpovisionarios Foundation, with which he would have signed a contract with the government of Cundinamarca, one year before the parliamentary elections.

However, the same argument was not accepted by the National Electoral Council.

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