Emergency in San Gil, Santander: the fall of the wall by the rains left a dead child


With the collapse of the structure, reported cases of treatment of 13 injured children in San Gil and Socorro health centers, according to the Government of Santander.

Taken from Twitter: @GobdeSantander

Eight-year-old, identified as Jhoan Esneider Corzo, is the fatal victim of the intense downpour that affects the municipality of San Gil, in the Santander Department. The fall of a wall caused the encephalisation of the slightest head trauma

The heavy rains that began when it was around 7:00 pm, stopped the game of football that the children disputed in the sports center from the San Martín neighborhood and forced to get under the shelter of the water under a blanket, but the adjacent wall fell on them and caused the tragedy. This incident left 13 small wounds that are treated in San Gil and Socorro health centers.

According to the preliminary report issued by the director of risk management of Santander, Ramón Andrés Ramírez, the torrential downpour left five children and 14 adults injured. These people were transferred to the Santa Cruz Clinic in Loma and San Juan de Dios Hospital.

The entity also reported overflowing La Animas and Curiteña watercourses, as well as avalanches in several areas of the municipality. At this time, there are several closed roads and, because of the landslides, the total closure was confirmed on the road that connects San Gil to Bucaramanga.

On the spot, 20 units of firemen, 25 of civil defense of San Gil and Socorro and 10 of the Red Cross, as well as the police in uniform, attend the emergency which left 20 vehicles, five motorcycles and 51 homes affected.

The government of Santander, through its Twitter account, confirmed the "collapse of sewage, sudden increases and large water currents in the roads of the municipality."

The Management Dir @raramirezuribe reports that heavy rains that fall at that time in San Gil, sewer collapse was generated, increases suddenly and with these large water currents in the roads of the municipality. pic.twitter.com/JVlpSwoLzG

– Governorate of Santander (@GobdeSantander) July 27, 2018

For its part, Ideam keeps the red alert on the warning department that "it is expected sudden increases in tributaries of the basin of the river Lebrija, Fonce, Carare and Suarez, produced heavy rain and even with the electrical storm that were recorded in the department of Santander". In sum, the Institute called on local authorities and residents to be attentive to the behavior of the rivers Frío, La Iglesia, Tona, Navas, Chapinero and Río de Oro, among others near Bucaramanga and San Gil.

Attention Our department of Santander is on red alert! @IDEAMColombia @UNGRD @GobdeSantander we watch the municipalities. The community follows the instructions
The rescue agencies of all municipalities should be available. pic.twitter.com/KmE89Ui2cm

– Ramon Andres Ramirez (@raramirezuribe) July 27, 2018

Given the situation, the Directorate of Disaster Risk Management asked the community to refrain from entering the water currents and signal by the 123 emergency line to follow immediately. Ramírez said that "rains are likely to continue and generate sudden increases, so communities are asked to be alert, and we call on city councils to be careful to work on any badignments."

Users of shocking social networks moments of torrential downpour:

Avalanche footage continue to arrive in San Gil Solidarity with the Sangrians in this tragedy. pic.twitter.com/gyaBHMkD8e

– Marcia Villanueva (@ Marvilla79 July 27, 2018

Heavy rain in San Gil Santander pic.twitter.com/nAFZDfyV1m

– Edwin Bernal (@ edalejo81) July 27, 2018

San Gil at this moment: pic.twitter.com/yqU1ZxJY5b

– veedor12 (@ veedor12) July 27, 2018

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