Explosion of an artifact in Beijing leaves a wounded


Alert at the Embbady

BEIJING (EFE) .- A small craft exploded yesterday outside the US Embbady in Beijing and caused injuries to the […] author but no material damage was recorded, according to eyewitnesses. A spokesman for the legation itself.

"There was an explosion around 1 pm in the public space outside the southeast corner of the embbady," said a spokesman for the diplomatic mission. by a person, according to the security agents of the diplomatic mission. "Apart from the author, there are more wounded and the embbady has not suffered any damage," the spokesman added, noting that Chinese police have reacted at the incident

. Photographs

Eyewitnesses reported that the individual had been injured while he was handling the device, but it is still unclear whether he wanted to attack the embbady or to hurt.

Some videos posted on the Internet showed smoke, pedestrians and police. by confusing scenes around the embbady, ​​while in other images several agents were seen around a person lying on the floor.

Chinese police later announced that the man responsible for the incident was a 26-year-old man nicknamed Jiang, from the Inner Mongolia region, who was wounded in one hand, without any other people in the area being hurt.

The officer reported that the device was composed of "fireworks" but did not give details about the possible motivation of the hospitalized man.

"This is an individual case of public safety," he said. Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Geng Shuang, at a Press Conference

A woman who was crossing the area and sharing videos of the incident with other pbaders-by was arrested and taken against her in a car by men in plain clothes They could be plainclothes police, according to eyewitnesses who recorded the incident with their cellphone.

Chinese police cordoned off the eastern entrance of the embbady, ​​on Tianze Avenue, northeast of Beijing. This is the area where entry is for visa procedures, so it is usually very busy.

Similar case

In 2013, a similar incident was generated in the same area outside the Chinese embbady, ​​when a man blew up a craft machine and that he was injured.

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