Fans fill the stands of the 2018 Games with colors


More than 5,000 spectators attended this Thursday to watch baseball, boxing and 3×3 basketball with special ways to support their athletes. Flags and music are not lacking.

What was a carnival atmosphere in sports venues, like Elías Chegwin or Tomás Arrieta – now Édgar Rentería – while the Festival of Orchestras and Parades Via 40 was held, has become a pilgrimage of fans who love them. 2018 Games, celebrating their own carnival in the stadium grandstands.

And this is reflected in previous periods, during and after competitive engagements in the Central American Games and Caribbean Barranquilla 2018. At least in the outdoor area of ​​the baseball stadium, a group of Barranquilleros yesterday gave a festive tone to Thursday through the tambora, the millo flute and the guacharaca with which they were accompanied, pending the start of the duel between Colombia and Puerto Rico.




However, they were not the only musicians in the place. If a sporting confrontation between "coffee farmers" and "Puerto Ricans" was preparing on the ground, there was a "healthy musical confrontation" between these two countries, with the presence of Rubén García and his group, arrived in bomba and plena, music traditional. from Puerto Rico, to compete with the mapalé of Arturo González, who officiated as a local.

The most favored were the badistants, who recorded and moved their coordinated shoulders with both rhythms.

Already in the scene the atmosphere It was not so friendly. The Puerto Ricans wanted to sing an encouraging verse to their ninth, who lost a race to zero in the fourth inning, but the mbadive Colombian joined in to exclaim "Colombia, Colombia!", Noyant l 39; impulse of the visitor.

At the end of the game, it does not matter the end result. The residents and visitors shook hands smiling and, united, "armed" the party in the stands of the remodeled stadium

"Coups de joie"

About 29 streets further north, in the Jumbo Hall of the Country Club, a delegation of 15 Mexicans has not stopped cheering on his fighter, whose name is Dulce Vásquez

They were not alone either, they were accompanied by A rattle, a bugle, a flute and the country's infallible flags, "elements with which they made themselves felt, as if the noise they were causing impregnated the force of their favorite fighter. "This is our style," said Ricardo Rodríguez proudly, while Colombians, in opposition, were shouting "Guatemala, Guatemala" and laughing

on the other hand, in the Plaza de la Paz, where a space has been laid out. for the 3×3 basketball, the entry was free, which caused a greater demand from the public which, unlike the two previous ones, remained silent by observing the movements of the athletes. "I am struck by the size of Clenia Noblet", by sending the spectator Maryenis Ospino to the biotype of the Cuban basketball player.

Although there is no official record of yesterday's participation in these three scenarios,

  The Mexicans therefore supported their boxer

C & # 39; And so the Mexicans supported their boxer.

  The audience in the basketball game 3x3

The audience in the basketball game 3×3.

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