Pakistan: Who is Imran Khan, the ex-cricket and playboy star who announces himself as the country's new prime minister?


In his younger years he made a name for sport and nightlife.

He was the charismatic captain of Pakistan's cricket team, he became an object of desire for the British tabloids, he married a

But the intense life of Imran Khan [1945900865yearsoldturnedaroundandnowgoesforaverydifferentmoment

He is the millionaire heir and even lives with Princess Diana. the leader of the PTI party that is preparing to win the general elections in Pakistan held on Wednesday.

Although the final results should be released on Friday, the partial accounts point to his training being the most represented in parliament with a wide difference in front of his opponents.

"We were successful and we received a warrant," he said in a televised speech on Thursday where was already proclaimed winner [1945900] "I believe that it is the only one in the world. the clearest and most fair election that Pakistan has had, "he said in the face of accusations of fraud by his opponents, encouraged by the delay in the official announcement of the results.

Khan seeks to become the leader of his country for more than two decades, when he created the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party (Movement for Justice, PTI) in 1996. [19659002] He needed an electoral coup of epic proportions to finally carry out his political dreams built on a fame that transcends the borders of Pakistan.

The captain and "playboy"

The appeal and skill marked the youth of Khan, who spent much of those years in the United Kingdom

He was born in 1952 into a family rich in Lahore, Pakistan.

He went to the best schools in the country before leaving to study in England. The Keble College of Oxford

He is quickly credited with the title of "playboy" on the London disco circuit where he develops his seductive personality that has accompanied him throughout his life.

In 1982, he played one of the most controversial moments of his life by posing for a London newspaper lying on a bed, wearing only underwear.

But he also shows great skill in cricket.

His talent led him to become captain of the team that won the World Cup in 1992 an achievement that made him a beloved person in his country.

Their Marriages

] In 1995, at the age of 43, he married Jemima Goldsmith a 21-year-old girl of British high society and daughter of a the richest men in the world at the time, Sir James Goldsmith

The woman is c He converted to Islam and they had two children, but they divorced in 2004. The separation was friendly and Khan had a close relationship with his ex-wife.

In 2015, he contracted his second marriage with the journalist Reham Khan She expressed the BBC's weather forecast, later denouncing that she had been intimidated by supporters of her ex-husband and that she had written a book describing the torment she claims to have lived at that time

. ] After stirring up controversy in Pakistan, a court ordered that the book be withdrawn before the last elections

Khan remarried in 2018 in a discreet ceremony with Bushra Watto who was already mother of five children.

The woman is considered her spiritual advisor by the country's badysts, who say that the couple was able to take advantage of their public appearances of

Khan badures that life took a turn since the mid-1990s.

In several interviews he stated that the death of his mother's cancer made him question the meaning of his

existence .

Although he never stopped practicing Islam, since then he has become more attached to his faith. He was also introduced to the world of Pakistani politics, without much success at first.

Its Changing Ideology

As a politician, Imran Khan's opinions have changed or vagas, who does not specify what will be his action after his arrival in power.

He argues that he is liberal, but at the same time he appeals to conservative Islamic values ​​and to sentiment against the West especially in all that is perceived as an interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

Khan made a noisy campaign of opposition to US drone attacks against Islamist militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

He criticized last year, his party in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province gave $ 3 million to the Haqqania Islamist school, whose leader is known as the "father of the Taliban" [19659002] But the central focus of his 2018 campaign was undoubtedly the fight against corruption and dynastic politics in Pakistan

"In Pakistan, the main problem is not the only one. extremism, "he said in an interview with newspaper The New York Times.

"It is the government. We are a failure of the government. And in any third world country, at the moment the government goes into collapse, the mafias appear, "he said.

He also promises to promote a new "clean" political clbad, but during the campaign was accused of having ally with soldiers who threatened his opponents to fight their way

took advantage of a wave of disillusionment in the former Pakistani political order, particularly among the urban middle clbad and young voters, who were fed up with living in a country where the "old" and economy is low and where water supply and electricity is in constant crisis.

But the truth is that until then, we do not know the ideology of these sectors of the population really coincides with that of this charismatic ex-cricket and "playboy" turned politician

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