Captured captors and murderers of women in Pereira – Investigation – Justice


The victims, three women and one man were killed in captivity

  The captors captured in the case Pereira

For the abduction and murder were captured: Camilo Alejandro García, Jhon Jairo García and Luis Eduardo Castañeda. 19659010] Gaula National Police


July 27, 2018, 11:02 am.

The abduction of two women in Pereira including a minor, gave rise to a full investigation of the Gaula Police who allowed the identification and capture of three men allegedly involved in Case

Men identified as brothers Camilo Alejandro and Jhon Jairo García Hernández and Luis Eduardo Castañeda Castañeda, allegedly murdered women in captivity and allegedly involved in the disappearance and death of a couple .

Gaula Police Director General Fernando Murillo said investigations began since June 24 when two women were abducted in Pereira. A 20-year-old girl who helped with domestic services and a 14-year-old girl.

" The women are kidnapped, and a few days after their kidnapping, their captors decide to kill them and continue to negotiate with the family their freedom," said General Murillo. The official said that the initial goal was to obtain the rescue of women and the dismantling of the criminal network.

Based on the complaint filed by the family, the investigation was launched to identify the three kidnappers. These men also murdered a couple, Andrés Felipe Gamboa Piedrahita and Maricela Rincón Chiquito who apparently carried out the abduction of the two women and the ensuing murder

. the variant La Condina, very close to Pereira

General Murillo said that the three captured will be first persecuted for aggravated kidnapping and homicide

The women are kidnapped, and a few days after their kidnapping their captors they decide to murder them and continue to negotiate with their families their freedom

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