Putin and Trump reiterate a new meeting in Washington or Moscow


Trump and Putin announced the possibility of a new meeting in one of their countries, after the good results achieved, for the presidents, at the first bilateral summit in Helsinki on July 16th.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, at its first bilateral summit in Helsinki AFP

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Donald Trump again exchanged greetings on Friday. The first expressing his desire to go to Washington and invite the host of the White House to Moscow, a proposal that he immediately accepted.

"We are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow, he received this invitation to Washington," where the President of the United States invited him, Putin said at a conference of press in Johannesburg on the sidelines of the BRICS summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). "But I repeat again, (only) if good working conditions are implemented," he warned.

The White House quickly announced that the US President was open to going to Moscow

. (See more: After the controversy, Trump wants to invite Putin to Washington)

"President Trump looks forward to receiving President Putin in Washington after the first day of the year, and he is ready to visit Moscow receives an official invitation. ", Said the US executive in a statement

The first summit of the two leaders was held on July 16 in Helsinki, and caused a great scandal to the states United States, where it was interpreted that Trump's statements were too conciliatory to the Russian leader

(You can see: "Russia is not an ally!", They say to Trump in the United States )

On the other hand, Putin, as well as Trump said that the talks were "very successful"

The meetings with Trump are "useful", insisted Friday Putin. "Contacts at the highest political level are needed," he said, and badured that the two leaders "can not talk about everything over the phone."

The Kremlin leader cited, among other things, the arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States, the new START, which will expire in principle in 2021. "Shall we extend it or not? […] If we do not start the negotiations today, in 2021 this treaty will cease to exist, "he said. (See more: Trump and Putin against Europe)

The upcoming Trump-Putin summit, originally scheduled for next autumn in Washington, will eventually be held "next year", announced Wednesday the White House. , arguing that before the meeting must be settled the investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections and suspicions of collusion between the team of candidate Trump and Vladimir Putin Kremlin, whom the White House spotted as a "witch hunt".

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