Google Translate: The unusual message that comes out when writing "Momo" in Google Translate | Google | Viral | trends


Social networks have been invaded by a new virus that frightens all users, Momo. It's even so that even the Google Translate has become the new victim.

It turns out that a user was translating a text with Google Translate, when his surprise was great, realizing that the name of the new image viral had been translated from. a totally strange way to what is meant to mean

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After seeing this new error of Google Translate the author of the search had no better idea than to make a capture of & dquo; # 39; screen and share it through the social networks quickly the image became viral in a few hours

As you can see on the image, if you try to translate the name of Momo from the language 'Urdu & # 39; in [Espagnol] with Google Translate The translator will give you a particular sentence response that has surprised more than one user, about all those who are aware of this new virus.

'Please', is the phrase that shows Google Translate when you try to translate the name of Momo, a new appearance that joins a long list errors that are seen in the platform of Google for several years.

What usually happens, when an error appears in Google Translate Translator's developers tend to fix what's happening immediately, so this may disappear in the next hours or days .

His popularity led many "youtubers" to decide to perform viral challenges by contacting this contact via WhartsApp, but they were not the only ones, because there are also people characterized by this character, provoking of anxiety in people, as in the case of a girl who wears makeup like Momo. 59002] Then, look at the picture of the unusual but funny result of the translation and this shows us that in turn Momo does not play.


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