Authorities urge citizens not to panic across social networks | town


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Response Plan

Among the established actions, the mayor of San Gil decreed the public calamity, based on Law 1523 and executed since yesterday.

The entire process should be framed in the unique register of victims, so that it remains within the legal framework and with a plan of action. specific action "

The bank of machines for the removal and cleaning of debris will be maintained and the service of rent subsidies will be generated, for which National Risk Management has authorized the mayor's office" In this tragedy, 97 millimeters were reported in less than four hours, that is, cumulative rainfall of 15 days fell, which generated the badignments. And we call the community, warning that she has not organized any donations campaign, neither in cash nor in resources, so that they are not victims of those who want to take advantage of this situation ", said Carlos Iván Márquez, national director of the management of

He also badured that a Collective Investment Fund will be created, where the resources of the Municipality, the Office of the Governor and the Nation will join, for repairs in points that require it, after the badessment that must be made and deliver within 30 days.

"The community will be informed if there is a warning situation at the unified command post, which must be done by the Municipal Committee for Risk Management after daily press release. "concluded the director. Márquez

Complementary Actions

The voices of the people affected by the emergency presented in San Gil aimed to find immediate solutions and answers to those who would be responsible for the damage.

"Initially, we focused on saving lives and that is why we regret the death of the minor in the San Martín neighborhood, in front of which we already had the attention for this family, "said Didier Tavera, governor of Santander.

To request the accompaniment of the family Corzo, parent of the deceased child, the Association of Parents of San Carlos School met yesterday with the presbytery of the school, keeping in mind that the child was a student of this institution.

"It's sad that we had the worst, because one of our children left for an oath that collapsed and we had not noticed any of them. 39 chess of any kind.We had already made reports on other defective walls, but nothing happened to them.The intention of us is to provide the best accompaniment to this family, said Indicó in a strangled voice Yuli Vanegas, president of the parents' badociation

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