Loose presentation of Atletico Bucaramanga in Manizales | Local Football


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The action, beyond being brilliant, did not warrant a draw that was too much price.

Sherman Cárdenas sent a brilliant pbad on the backs of rival defenders, so that Michael Rangel converted, in an exquisite definition, 1-1 from Atletico Bucaramanga to Once Caldas in the 62nd minute.

But the goal This did not erase the bad game. With a weak performance, the casting 'yellow' equaled the house; but very quickly, in the 66th minute, David Lemos, seemingly misplaced, ordered things for the team 'albo'.

Just triumph 2-1 for the manizaleño team, which in the 90 minutes has presented more arguments,

Domain "white"

Sherman Cárdenas raised his head to look for a receiver, opened his hands in sign of I found answers. Then, he went around and played back, on one side or betting on a pbadage between the lines, which ended at the feet of the opponent.

The & # 39; Leopard & # 39; has suffered. Everything started badly. At four minutes, John Perez touched the ball with the hand in the box, after a free kick from the opponent, and Ricardo Steer changed it for the goal.

In the face of adversity, the club's "yellow & # 39; did not submit any opposition. In defense granted benefits that drifted almost in a new annotation of the 'White – White & # 39; and in the attack lacked volume and inaccuracies when delivering the ball caused uncertainty.

The champion of America in 2004, however, showed a tactical order to control the opponent's feint attack and handled the ball safely to open spaces and generate Goal options.

A Mirage

For the second part as soon as possible the game. However, the cast led by Hubert Bodhert failed in the definition and in a genius of Sherman Cárdenas and Michael Rangel (62 & # 39;), Atletico Bucaramanga equaled the shares.

Football gave the Santander team a luxury opportunity, which a bad night, he got a precious booty, but wasted the "gift of heaven".

The whole "Leopard" followed the same trend: poor deliveries, little attack volume and defensive fragility.

Once Caldas got up suddenly and he reacted quickly to stay with the victory, by means of the annotation of Lemos (66)) that arrived the product of a brilliant enganche Juan Pablo Nieto, who left behind him.

After two days, Once Caldas score perfect score, since he had already beaten Jaguars; while Atletico Bucaramanga scored a point, after the tie in the debut against Junior.


Because it lacked solidity in the defensive sector. Once Caldas generated several scoring opportunities.

Because at the time of the attack he lacked volume and, moreover, he was very imprecise in the pbades.

Because he lacked collective play and the individualities did not make the difference.

Because once Caldas badumed the role of the game. He was aggressive in recovering the ball and opened the pitch to attack.

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