700 children still without parents in the United States | International | news


United States –

Shy children received a meal and a plane or bus ticket to the United States, while non-profit organizations tried to slow the pace of children's reunion with their parents after their separation in the country. The government of President Donald Trump has stated that more than 1,800 children aged 5 and over have been reunited with their parents or guardians. hours after the deadline. This includes 1,442 children who were returned to their parents who are being held by the US Immigration and Customs Service. and another 378 that were released in a variety of different circumstances.

However, the newspaper El Nuevo Herald published that more than 711 minors remain separated because family ties could not be confirmed, parents have criminal records, parents who have a contagious disease, have not been located or expelled (431)

These meetings could take time, effort and bureaucratic procedures while authorities bring children back to Guatemala, El Salvador. Yesterday, national security officials said that they had gathered all eligible parents with their children, but they pointed out that many others were not because they had been released from detention centers, they are in their home country. or they chose not to be reunited.

Now the federal judge in San Diego, Dana Sabraw, who ordered the meetings, must decide how to deal with the hundreds of children who remain separated because their parents were deported, and how long, the where appropriate, should be granted to relatives of families reunited to file an asylum application.

Lee Gelernt, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties, who represents the parents, said it was not clear how long it would take to find the parents who had returned to their country .

Sabraw also considers the request to provide reunified parents at least a week to consider whether they wish to apply for asylum The government opposes the waiting time and Sabraw suspended the deportation of the families reunited while a decision is made. (I)

Without Place

Groups defending the rights of immigrants declared that the US government's attempt to meet a judicial delay to bademble Hundreds of separated families at the border were marred by confusion and it was argued that there are children who have gone missing in a "black hole".

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